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Is Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo Worth Buying?


posted by Donovan at 8:52 AM

I've been in the community for a little while now. About two years ago I started with an e-book called Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo, a lot of you have heard of this. When I first opened the e-book I was amazed, I felt that my eyes have seen the light, and I began to understand a new found world of seduction and the "secrets of women".

That's until I found more material.

Then it became a virus of information seeking, always looking for the new "hidden tactics". I started reading all of these e-books, and got even more confused. Until I learn't the proper way to do things...

Now, I had success that I never thought possible. Before reading David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating, I hadn't even kissed a girl. Then a month after reading, I had a two week long relationship with a hot woman. It was working to some degree. I moved onto more advanced material. It is foolishness to skip ahead to advanced material before you have a foundation of what's going on between men and women.

This brings me to discussing the topic that David DeAngelo's material is irrelevant or a waste of time.

I believe that notion is wrong for a number of reasons.

The first reason is that he provides a framework for understanding human relations that you really can't find elsewhere. He has a lot of theory in Double Your Dating that helps build a foundation for what you will find the REAL WORLD. The second reason is it gives you a insight into what you need to do to become a MAN. Typically men are ass-kissing losers, that supplicate themselves tremedously around women. This is unattractive and "I'll be the king of all masturbaters the rest of my life" approach. Don't be a WUSSY (according to David DeAngelo).

Now, the problem I see with most guys that download the Double Your Dating e-book is that they go to the opposite side of the spectrum and start being verbally unattractive to women. Throwing out cocky and funny like its just in fashion, and making themselves seem super insecure to these women. This is not what the e-book teaches. He gives a road-map to being an alpha-male, not a cocky and funny machine gun.

David DeAngelo writes about alpha body language, and how to hold yourself in a variety of situations. Leaning back and slower eye movement are among some of the advice Deangelo brings to the table. He does offer suggestions of things to say, how to ask a woman out, basic interactions to generate serious attraction, and characteristics of a engaging conversation.

If you're looking for a step-by-step guide, then Double Your Dating is not for you. However, if you are NEW to the community, I would definitely read the e-book Double Your Dating first, then move on to more routine based procedures, or natural conversation based skills. This does two things.

One, Double Your Dating helps you conquer your inner issues. It will give you a road-map to all the beta behavior you could be portraying, once you know what they are you can start eliminating them.

Second, Double Your Dating helps you the basic understanding of what attraction is, how it is developed, and how you can implement certain ideas into your thinking. For example, I had know idea why women LOVED bad boys. I had NO CLUE. It baffled me. When I was a jerk to women, they were simply repulsed. I never had the chicks flocking to me. David DeAngelo explained that.

Ok, I've ranted enough.

Do yourself a favour and if you haven't already, and pay the meager $20 and download his e-book with the bundle of freebies that come with it. Do something to get your life in order, because when all is said and done, ACTION is what will make you a success with women.

P.S. Just remember to ONLY sprinkle cocky and funny into your reactions for added potency. Spices lose their bite when you use them constantly, and it shows your a bad cook. (Beautiful metaphor huh?)

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posted by Donovan at 8:52 AM Dating Advice for Men


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right!
I came to know about seduction community bcus of David D. All what is says makes lot of sense. Sometime I lost balance b/w cocky & funny and acted like a jerk. But now I know what I did wrong.
The best quote what I like about his is "treat the women like your small little sister." This explains it all.

7:48 PM, May 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three Thumbs Up For David D !

Double Your Dating was also the first book I ever read about the world of dating and seduction and I think it really offers the best base or foundation for someone whos just starting to learn more of these dating skills.

While I think there are definately more advanced products that may be more useful to people Id say you can never go wrong with anything from David D. Personally, I really liked his interview series too.


9:52 AM, July 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was my 1st n a great book specially good 4 online/chatting success coz there it doesnt matter if ya become too cocky.I also agree with u that its not a step by step guide so my question naturally is please prescribe a complete step by step guide...Thanks

5:59 AM, August 25, 2006  

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