Can You Approach Women Like Neil Strauss, Author of "The Game" Tonight?
posted by Donovan at 3:35 PM
You haven't yet?
Bad, bad man. Especially seeing as you're interested in meeting women.
We'll I have read it. And guess what?
I want to share a secret I personally got from the writings of Neil Strauss author of "The Game".
You see, he let us all in on a little secret!
Have you ever tried to approach a woman, and just not known what to do?
Hell, YES! (Everyone says)
Well.. I have a suggestion that you can take (Or not), that has literally exploded my success with meeting and approaching women for the first time.
Would you like know what it is?
I'm not so sure.
I'll give you this tip, and then you'll run away, and not read my blog, and then who will be my friend?
Exactly. You see my point. Lucky I'm a nice guy though.
In the underground seduction community, you approach a woman with an "Opener".
An opener is just what you first say in the opening lines of talking to her. Hence, it's called an "Opener".
So I'll give you the simple and easy opener for approaching and meeting women. That can be used for a variety of situations.
Have you ever heard of Paris Hilton?
Hmmm... I'm sure you have. *Wink*
Here is a real field approach and opener taken straight from the Neil Strauss book "The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick Up Artists". (From Section 7: Extract to a Seduction Location, Chapter 8, pg. 256)
"I got up, walked into the restaurant, and saw a hot blonde chick getting salsa. So I thought, "Salsa sounds good to me." I've been gearing my game up for this moment, and now it was time to take what I deserved. So I walked over to her side and pretended like I was just at the salsa bar by coincidence. I helped myself to some salsa, and then looked over my right shoulder at her and started the conversation with Style's [Neil Strauss] jealous girlfriend Opener.
Papa: Hey, I need a female opinion on something?
Girl: (Smiles and looks up) Okay.
Papa: Would you date a guy who was still friends with his ex-girlfriend?
Girl: Yeah. I think so. Sure.
I started to walk away, then turned back and continued the conversation.
Papa: Hmm. Actually, this is a two-part question.
Girl: (Smiles and giggles)
Papa: Imagine you were dating a guy who was still friends with his ex-girlfriend. And you were going to move in with him but he had a drawer with pictures of his ex-girlfriend – not nude pictures or anything, just regular pictures and some letters.
Girl: Ooh. I would so get rid of them. I would put them in a box.
I cut her off and continued with the opener.."
You were wondering who that girl was huh?
Well.. Yes, that girl was Paris Hilton.
Amazing isn't it?!
This ‘Jealous Girlfriend Opener' is common within the seduction community. And hundreds of pickup artists around the world use it now.
I can tell you are a person of originality. Someone who doesn't want to be ‘fake.'
I know of a book, which gives you a specific formula on how to make your own "Openers".
This book states: (pg 100)
"Opinion Openers are, for my money, the best type of Openers out there. This is because these types of Openers are engaging, do not telegraph interest, and can lead to some really great conversations.
The best way to engage someone for the first time is by asking their opinion on something. When doing so, you are able to get them to invest their own personal thoughts and feelings into your burgeoning conversation. And once that's invested, they are more likely to commit themselves to the interaction.
A good Opinion Opener can be anything that does not telegraph interest, while presenting options to your target that helps to encourage them to give and expand upon their opinion.."
That is just one part of the explanation and he later gives you a detailed way to create your own Opinion Openers.
So you understand the basic idea of what an Opinion Opener is, correct?
Well, what about a..
- Advice Opener
- Compliment Opener
- Direct Opener
- Drama Opener
- Insult Opener
- Joke Opener
- Online Opener
- Roleplay Opener
- Situational Opener
- Etc..
- Walking up to any girl and getting her number
- Creating an interesting and addictive conversation with a woman you just met
- Eliminating your fear of rejection with women
Is that you?? Maybe.. (I hope so..)
I have referred my best friends to this book that have come to me for advice about approaching women. It is an essential resource for a man to have in his arsenal to attract any woman.
Sorry, I forgot to tell you the name.
Art of Approaching 2nd Edition by Thundercat.
Guess what else? There are plenty of other (not just Openers) easy-to-use techniques broken down in his book "Art of Approaching".
You'll love it. I promise.
Check out it out here.
After studying behavior for many years, I know one thing: If you don't make the decision to get this part of your life handled right now, there's a very very small chance that you're going to do anything about it in the future.
You know how they say that you can't tell someone how to get somewhere unless you've been there yourself? Well I've been there, and I'm going to show you the way. Think about it...
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Have fun, and enrich your life with options!
Labels: neil strauss

posted by Donovan at 3:35 PM Dating Advice for Men

Hey i'm running a pretty seduction related blog too check me out, i got a few articles:, i'll put a link to your blog.
Well, i gotta say. The book was awesome. I saw it more as an inspiration to begin further developing my game, i mean if Neil Strauss can revert from introverted writer with zero lady luck,then there's hope for me =)
Also its a bloody funny read. A more horny version of the fall of man, you might say.
Anyways, i just gotta brag a little. Had a HB8.5 last saturday, and i got the community to give my thanks to for that.
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