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Even Frenchman Have It Hard... (Video)


posted by Donovan at 9:06 AM

Alot of us think that guys with accents have it easier with approaching women. Not totally true. (Although my Australian accent is a bonus - suckas!) I found a video with this Frenchman approaching women in Manhattan, he's obviously a beginner with David Deangelo's materials. (The 3 minute email technique gives that away.) But you have to admire him for getting out there and approaching! If you're smoother than him, you'd probably get better reactions, the sound is awesome for hidden camera. :)


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posted by Donovan at 9:06 AM Dating Advice for Men


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of myself when I just came into the community.

He looks like such an excuzer waiting for the end of the conversation to ask for the email. He's also not really in the moment. He could have more fun.

Anyway, a lesson is that you don't have to have supertight-game to close chicks. Look at him. He's just vibing, chatting and ---> close.

5:16 PM, March 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His problem is that he keeps talking about booooring stuff. He needs to spice up the conversation and leverage the fact that he's french - i.e. play more 'where am i from' guessing games and don't let her find out, compare french women vs american women (if she does guess it right), etc. But at least he's got the balls to approach, good for him.

5:21 PM, April 01, 2006  
Blogger Donovan said...

Exactly. Alot of this is bad. Although he has balls, and goes for it.

Make it FUN guys.

And yes, the audio, Yum.

10:51 AM, June 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this sounds like me when i approach... its messed up haha.. I use C & F mixed with MM. im startign to think its not a good idea haha

1:26 PM, December 03, 2006  

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Quick, Easy Ways To Meet Women Online


posted by Donovan at 12:24 PM

Have you tried online dating yet?

The first time I tried it, I felt like I was learning to ride a bike all over again... it was

Well, I'm glad I stuck with it, because it turned out that the Internet was one of the most incredible miracles ever created for meeting women.

I've personally met and dated some of the most amazing women... all online. I'm talking about models, dancers... super intelligent women that I would have NEVER met if it were not for the Internet.

What's the point?

The point is if YOU are not using the Internet to meet women on a CONSISTENT basis, then it's time you learned how.

Of course, I don't think you should shut yourself up at home and never go out into the real world again...

It's important that you continue to develop your social skills and grow your ability to create ATTRACTION with women...

But, if you'd like to get three or four more dates a month with women that are MUCH better matches for you, then I'd like to share some of the secrets I've learned about Internet dating with you.

By the way, did you know that if you understand how the dating web sites work... and you know the patterns of how women check their profiles and responses, that you can get double, triple, or even MORE responses?


Just by knowing "how the system works", you can literally increase your success by MULTIPLE times.

Here's one for you...

Did you know that many of the big online dating sites will take your profile and put it at the "top of the list" when women do searches... every time you change or UPDATE your profile?

Ever notice that when you first put up a profile, you seem to get more response from women?

Well, that's why.

So guess what?

Now that you know this, you can go and update your profile regularly... with new pictures and other changes... and STAY at the top of the list.

What could that one secret be worth to you? Well, if you're spending as much as the average guy who stays subscribed to an online site for many months, then this one idea alone could be worth hundreds of dollars to you.

Speaking of saving time and money, and getting HUNDREDS of ideas like this one that will DRAMATICALLY improve your success with online dating...

I'd like you to go and watch the video preview clips of my "Meeting Women Online" program.

And I'd like you to read about it and what's inside.

Most important of all, I want to send it to you to TRY out.

In fact, no kidding around here... I'm so convinced that you will use what you learn in this program to get IMMEDIATE results, that I'll send one to you at MY RISK. I'm even going to pay for the shipping to send it to you.

Listen as my guests teach you LIVE how to set up systems that will meet women FOR YOU 24/7... even when you're not near a computer.

Listen as I show you how to create a "machine" that converts profiles and contacts into email addresses... addresses into phone numbers...

...and phone numbers into dates.

I want you to go through the entire program, and try a few of the ideas you're going to learn.

If this program doesn't prove to be worth TEN TIMES the investment, just send it back... no hassles, and no questions.

I wouldn't "push" you to check this program out like this if I wasn't convinced beyond the shadow of any doubt that it's THE WAY to success with online dating.

Those video clips, plus all the details... are all here:

Meeting Women Online

I'll talk to you again soon.



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posted by Donovan at 12:24 PM Dating Advice for Men


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Looking For A Seduction Workshop?


posted by Donovan at 9:07 AM

As most of you know, there is alot of controversy over the reputation of some pickup workshops. It makes me not so eager to drop $1000 for a workshop, before getting some second opinions!

Over on the Mystery Method forums, there is an awesome post by a student that attended the Art of Attraction workshop. I think it's a kick ass review.

Lance Mason Pickup101 Workshop

I'll give the highlights, and try to compare/contrast with Mystery Method where appropriate.

Like a lot of workshops out there, this one lasts three days, includes field work with personal instruction, and costs quite a bit. I chose it because the dates worked well for me, I had a local friend I could stay with who had taken the workshop and recommended it, and because the daytime portions of the course feature a lot of exercises rather than just lecture/discussion. I should add that the Art of Attraction workshop is primarily about the first three minutes.

Comfort and seduction are brought up, but they are not what this workshop is about. I felt that three days to understand the first three minutes was barely sufficient. Also, let me spell out the underlying philosophy here starting with a simple example of what they're trying to do with participants. Smile, right now, and hold that smile for 30 seconds. The majority of people feel happier smiling given that the physical motion is associated with fun, happy feelings. Now, here, the idea is that if you learn to behave like a cool, attractive guy, standing and touching and smiling like cool, attractive guys, you will start feeling like one and this will become more and more natural until the practice becomes the reality.

I believe it, too. We had one instructor who made his first approach in late October, and he really knew his stuff. He easily picked up a HB out of a three set and number closed while we were waiting to get into a restaurant one night, and everything he said was dead on. He also gave advice to another participant, who noticed he was getting IOIs from a hot asian girl seated at a table with her seven friends, that let him pull her right out and isolate her outside for 15-20 minutes.

Back to the workshop. Friday and Saturday we started at noon and ran until 1AM or later, and there was another 6-8 hours of stuff on Sunday. There were a dozen students, and about four instructors for the daytime. The experience level of the students varied from essentially totally AFC, to several who had done other workshops and had some skills. Most of the day we did exercises in groups of four, each with its own instructor. I'm going to run down through some of the exercises we did here.

The simpler exercises happened on Friday, with the more advanced ones Saturday and Sunday. A lot of the later exercises extended or combined earlier ones.Using your hands: we practiced using our hands to hold someone's attention while looking at another member of the set.

Standing: we practiced standing the way cool, confident guys stand.Walking/face: we practiced three different looks for entering a venue that would make good first impressions (sexy cool, smirking, most fun guy in the room).

Entering a set: we practiced opening angles, how to get the attention of a set without leaning in, and how to open the set to you and not get into their space in a bad way.Storytelling: We practiced sharpening and telling stories, sometimes in association with an opener. We learned what elements make up a good story, and how to tell them.

Banter: this is something between cocky/funny lines and negs. An example is "You're bad girls, aren't you? I'm going to have to watch out for you." It's mostly about establishing frame and being the guy in charge, and being fun about it.

Kino: how to touch women (gently), when to touch women (early and often), etc. Also everyone in set really. How to use kino to test for attraction directly.Isolation: a few easy body moves to manage an effective isolation that doesn't set off alarm bells.Fashion: personalized advice about clothes, shoes, grooming for our own looks and environments we prefer to operate within. Opening physically close sets: basically with kino. Effective.

Body language: we entered practice sets and were video taped, so an instructor could point out things we were doing good and bad and we could see them.Building a routine stack: advice for combining openers, stories, and banter, with the advice to practice, practice, practice with the same ones until they were ours, then add more.

Opening difficult sets: seated sets, or sets where the target is surrounded by people you need to deal with to get close to the target.Feedback from real girls: On Sunday, two girls hired out of the newspaper were brought in for us to open. After we ran a few minutes with them, they gave us feedback about what they liked and didn't like. I thought it was easier than with the guys in my group I'd been practicing with, at least at that point. They weren't nearly as critical as we were to each other, or our instructors were.Okay, let me discuss the field work a bit.

Extra part-time instructors were brought in for the field, and each instructor had two students. I thought this was perfect, since we basically learned winging in the field with the same guys we'd been working with. They also tried to match skill levels, and we had different instructors on the two nights. The first night was unusual, since it was St. Patrick's Day, and everyting was a madhouse and crowded. They advocate easy, quick warm-up sets to start with to get comfortable.

Outside the door I opened a girl wearing a green shirt with "Are you Irish?" She immediately smiled and started in on how she was, etc., and then smiling I asked if I could kiss her, and then her friend when she declined. A fine, fun start. I probably opened about 30 sets that night, winged a handful of others, with some nice results and also a few blow outs. I opened seated sets, walking sets, mixed sets. Hell, in one bar my instructor pointed out a mixed two set and told me the guy wasn't doing well with the girl and sent me in. I just went up, ignored him as I opened her, and he wandered off after a minute.

I got blown out several times - once really badly and I laugh about it now. I had opened a seated three set, talked to them a few minutes, and was advised to try a certain special Irish drink (a carbomb). I decided to go get one, and reenter the set. After I reentered (and had to pull up a second chair as a new guy was in the one I had pulled up and then left open!), I asked one of the girls if she was having fun and she replied that she had been...until I showed up. Ouch. I told them I was just out to have fun and wished them a good evening in a way that would maintain some social proof. No one watching would know I'd been blown out that badly. Made up for it in the very next set that went well. My wing and I talked to them for 10-15 minutes before we exited, and then our instructor went and talked to them about how we did! They said we could have number closed in another 30 minutes, but I don't think it would have taken THAT long.

With all the crowded street sarging, I was using situational openers, and opening everything I saw. No fear, just fun. The instructor opened a couple of sets (number closed a blonde HB8.5 and was smooth to watch in action). I had one number close that was ironically after I was finished for the night (but is a PUA ever finished?). I spent a half hour trying to get a cab out a bit after 1 AM. There were no cabs. The whole city was trying to get home. I got opened by a drunk guy about sharing a cab. Turned out that he and his drunk girlfriend had a cute single female friend they were staying with that night in the same part of the city I was headed for. She was from Wales, and had an awesome accent that I loved. We spent the next 90 minutes walking out until we could get a cab. This almost killed me, as I'd picked up new shoes that morning and hadn't anticipated so much walking. I didn't say anything about it until she noticed me limping several miles into our death march. She gave me her number and suggested we have breakfast, but I didn't make it since I had to get back for day two of the workshop.The second night of the field work we hit some trendy bars in the Marina area. I didn't do as well here, and in part I think this had to do with my plan.

I wanted fewer, higher quality sets, and I wanted to work my routine stack which didn't feel natural yet. The crowded, louder enviroment was tougher. I didn't get blown out, but I also didn't feel like I hit any home runs. I did have a few nice experiences.

One thing Lance had talked about that day (there is a little bit of lecturing) were advanced problems to deal with that were hard to practice for. This one involved how to avoid interference (e.g., a girlfriend breaking into your set and telling everyone to come dance). The advice was about how to watch the eyes and body language to see when someone is coming up, and to greet the new person and immediately put them in your frame. I was with a seated girl, who I had seen with friends earlier but was alone when I approached. I knew when her friends came back, turned, greeted them, then returned to my target. They left us alone. It was cool. I was also exhausted relatively early, but had one of the instructors take me around and point out different sets and what you could read from their body language.

There were both group debriefings as well as individual debriefings. Our instructors on the last day gave us advice about what they thought each of us personally should be working on after the workshop.

Pickup 101 does do a bit of the hard sell on following up with their Art of Rapport workshop, which includes day game and direct approaches. Money, and especially time, is an issue for me right now, or I'd take it. Some of the guys who had taken both Art of Attraction and Mystery Method liked both workshops. They thought Art of Attraction would be better to start with, but that Mystery Method was great for pulling a lot of things together, and recommended both.

I liked my fellow classmates, my instructors, and Lance Mason.

I can highly recommend the workshop and it really made many things clear to me that I'd been unaware of, or didn't understand completely, from reading PUA ebooks and websites. These guys knew their stuff and could all approach and pickup easily and naturally. They never talked bad about any other competing workshops, and just went on their strengths.

If you want to focus on attraction and physical exercises, this is your workshop. If you want more theory and deeper understanding of the underlying principles and a bigger picture view, other workshops may be better.

View more about the workshop here, with dates and times.

Other products from Pickup101 include "Surefire Attraction Secrets" CD's, "Dress for Success" DVD's and e-books here that are kick ass! (There is also free hidden camera video's)
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posted by Donovan at 9:07 AM Dating Advice for Men


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Where Should I Take Her On A Date? (Day2's)


posted by Donovan at 9:56 AM

Newsflash: Most women have been on hundreds of dinner dates. They aren't cheap, and they sure aren't that impressive to a woman who's been taken out to every restaurant under the sun.

Here's how to set yourself apart on a dinner date, and show her a completely original experience that she can't help but remember.

Number 10 - Take her where the action is

A great way to ensure a fun-filled date with a woman is to take her to an area where there's a lot going on. Trendy outdoor malls with funky shops and street performers are a sure hit; the entertainment is built into the experience, and just strolling around and talking makes for a fun and carefree date.

Number 9 - Take her on a night walk

Want to really blow her away? Do something she's never done or even thought of before, and take her on a night hike! Grab a bottle of wine, a couple of glasses and a blanket, and take her on a short hike to a place that has a nice view. If your originality doesn't wow her, the stars and the sights will.

Number 8 - Take her shopping

If you want to show a girl some fun without spending a lot of money on her, bring her along while you spend some money on you! Women love to shop, and what woman could resist being invited to accompany you while you buy some new threads? Just be sure not to "wuss out" when you get there. Ask for her opinion, but don't let her pick out all of your clothes.

Number 7 - Take her to the park

Bring out her fun, carefree side by taking her to a park to swing on the swings. Get behind her and push her for bonus points, then put her on the merry-go-round and spin her around gently.

Number 6 - Take her for a dog walk

Every girl loves animals (and those who don't will never admit to it). So for a great date, bring her along while you take your dog for a walk. This date is even better if you borrow a dog from a friend (you can tell her you're dog sitting) Bring along some treats and have her help you teach the dog some new tricks. When she sees how good you are with animals, she'll want you to teach her some new tricks as well!

Number 5 - Teach her something

If you can teach a woman something that she has always wanted to do you she will see you as "her hero" from day one! Take her surfing, teach her how to paint... or grab some boxing gloves and show her how to throw a punch. She'll remember you forever... and you're sure to have a blast.

Number 4 - Watch TV together

For a night of stimulating conversation, invite her over to watch the latest hot reality TV show. Most women love reality TV, and with all of the drama you'll be watching, great conversation is guaranteed. If you wish, you can also watch a movie.

Number 3 - Make dining unique

If you insist on taking her to a restaurant, don't take the dinner route. Instead, grab some dessert or take her to a place that serves up unique, exotic drinks. You'll spend less money, show her a new experience and, most importantly, you won't come off like you are "trying too hard."

Number 2 - Take her on a bike ride

For a guaranteed good time, take her on a bike ride. Make sure there are some good places you can stop on the way for a quick break, like a juice bar or a coffee shop. For bonus points, pick a great destination like a park or the beach, and bring along some crackers, cheese and wine to share. Do this right and the next stop will be your place (so long as she doesn't catch you making motorcycle noises).

Number 1 - Take her for a late-night dip

If you're feeling adventurous and you sense she might be up for some mischief, put together a "mission" to sneak into the pool area of a trendy hotel. If you get busted you'll have an awesome story to tell, and if you don't? You get to see her in a bikini!

So there you have it; 10 fun and frugal date ideas. You can then save your money for the future dates you'll book after she has so much fun on the first.

David DeAngelo is the author of the book Double Your Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women, and several other products that can help men become more successful with women and dating.


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posted by Donovan at 9:56 AM Dating Advice for Men


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day2's, as far as I've been taught, are for you and the girl to get into deep rapport and to move the Seduction along. It isn't to entertain her, it isn't to do something "cool" together, it's to become intimately familiar with each other.

Assuming you have solid day2 setup skills, here's what I do:

I always suggest this awesome Chinese restaurant near my pad that has the best_eggrolls_ever. I talk about how it's so hard to get good Chinese food where I stay, and that this place is a Godsend.

If she's into it, I say "Hey, you should totally come with me some time. What's your schedule like this week?" I get the logistics of that set, and we go.

I do this with EVERY girl I day2 in my area. This keeps as many things as constant as possible, and helps in analyzing SPs that might come up with each day2. Reduce the variables and it makes solving the problem easier.

Also, this place is near my pad, so extracting to a seduction location is easier and more consistent.

Hope this helps...

11:06 PM, March 27, 2006  
Blogger Donovan said...

Thankyou, it does help out.

Day2's a just like routines, you can stack them. You can go to a trendymall then bounce to another location to keep building rapport and comfort. These locations are perfect for stacking after you make the original plans to 'head to a location'. So it keeps the night fresh and original.

11:09 PM, March 27, 2006  

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Hidden Camera Pickup


posted by Donovan at 9:42 AM

A dating 'guru' has posted hidden camera video of some live pickup. I watched the video and it was pretty cool, good to see how the 'best' go at approaching women in the real world. You have to signup for his newsletter first to gain access however. I have been signed up for a month or so, and find his email's to be really insightful and valuable to read. Take a look.

Check it out here.
Watch Live Pickup Videos

posted by Donovan at 9:42 AM Dating Advice for Men


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are Sensei's wings if i am not wrong from pickup101

12:45 PM, March 28, 2006  
Blogger Donovan said...

Right on mate!

4:12 PM, March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wtf? i signed on and ill get is ads - where r the movie samples?

1:24 AM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger Donovan said...

I'm pretty sure you get the link in your email. Like they tell you...

8:54 AM, March 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa this is great, the community needs more of these hidden camera pickups - much easier way 2 learn than field reports! keep em coming!

2:05 PM, April 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you post much more of that stuff? I love to watch you guys pick up in reality. That's impressing and motivating, better than any abstract method-teaching (which I appreciate non the less)

12:23 AM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger Donovan said...

It's not a matter of whether I would "like to". I just don't have access to more... Believe me, I love it!

8:53 AM, June 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to work with these guys on workhops, when I was living in Project San Francisco. Great guys, and they play it by the book with excellent skill.

Any video on them is worth watching.
Arizona Pick-Up Artist

2:23 PM, July 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone have the links? I'm signed up and get the emails, but can't find any links..


2:16 AM, August 03, 2006  

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