Field Report: Sean and Alyssa Milano
posted by Donovan at 4:34 PMI just saw this over at the Pickup 101 blog. Thought it was quite cool and worth the read up!
Out in SF with the other guys from Pickup 101 in San Francisco working on the VIP follow-up coaching program.
My challenge for the night: do as many difficult sets as possible, especially sets that already have guys in them. So off we go to a famously swanky little lounge in a famously swanky part of town. Kind of place where women bust out the little black dress with the total intent to get noticed and have guys buy them drinks. In other words, perfect.
I roll in and move immediately across the bar to start with my favorite move... locate girls at bar and ask them if I can get in to get a drink. See lone hottie sitting at bar with bag next to her. Start talking. Move bag. Sit down. Banter back and forth.
She's leaning in, eyes sparkling, laughing at every joke. Good times all around. She starts telling me about her boyfriend who manages this bar. I'm now thinking that is a dude I do NOT want to get on the bad side of... and how perfect if I can get in with her and the man on the scene.
Suddenly, another girl comes walking right up, hugs her, and then turns to look at me, saying "you're in my seat." Now, girl #1 is cute, but this girl is a sassier version of Alyssa Milano. Long dark hair, tiny body, great boobs, great smile. Tommy likey. I reply "it's our seat now, darling. I'm all about sharing." She smiles and walks right into me (I'm sitting on a barstool facing her and her friend with my legs apart) and says "OK, but I always get to go first."
Fast forward a bit... girl#1's boyfriend shows up. We give a pound, I tell him these girls are just wearing me out with all their flirting and I'm so glad he showed up to help. He says he has to keep working, and now it's on me to keep them busy.
Basically, this is Jake Ryan giving Farmer Ted the keys to the Rolls.
He moves on and I take the two by the hand to the back of the bar where they have little curtained-off rooms. We get back there, and instantly one out-of-his-tree Australian dude comes up with two drinks in hand for Alyssa, saying "I told you I'd get you a drink, here they are." I take them from them, and thank him, and tell her to tell him how sweet that is.
She's eye-coding me with a "why is this drunk still here look," but I just chat and occupy him and send him on his way, with my arm around Alyssa the whole time. We sit in the booth, me and her and her friend, when suddenly up pops another dude. Big bald guy. A good 74 inches, good-looking, loud, alpha Bruce Willis type.
But not alpha like me, my friend.
I pop right up and say "What's up, man, I'm Sean. God damn are these girls trouble. I'm so glad you're here to help." He introduces himself and gives girls a big hug... then asks what are you drinking? I'm buying.
Alyssa turns to me and asks what do you want? I say that's so sweet of you to ask to buy me something, but he offered first. I tell Bruce I'll have a Bud. Alyssa busts me saying that's so gay, and only gay guys drink Bud. I say damn straight, just the gayest for me, then spank her on the ass. Her friend busts up laughing.
When Bruce returns with drinks, we all sit, and then I pull Alyssa up to stand with me next to the spot. We lean against the wall and talk. Low, quiet, intense.
I tell her why I moved here, how after losing the girl that I thought was the one I knew I needed to go live life as fully as I can. She tells me about her family. We don't talk much, or that deep, but it feels like more.
I keep her next to me. Tell her she has amazing lips, and that our first kiss will be a great one. She says "you are so confident..." and smiles.
Ask her her favorite body part, and she says her ass is world-class. I spin her around to check, feel, and confirm, and remind her "it's nice, but not quite as nice as mine." She smiles, I lean in and sniff her neck, whispering how she smells delicious, and nibbling her neck.
I feel her body go limp against mine.
I stay there for weeks.
Stand up. No kiss. Too public. Little more talk, and suddenly her friend pops up.
"We need girl talk."
I fumble a bit, snapped out of moment. "Uh, OK. You guys have your girl talk. Seriously, I need to go hang with my friends, you monopolized all my time."
I go back to front of bar and chat up everyone I can find. Practicing dude blowouts by walking up to mixed sets and saying to him "dude, i know you know this, but this girl is trouble." Then turn to girl and say "yeah you... you were supposed to watch out for me tonight, and then those two midget strippers were all over me, and where were you?" Great fun. Always gets me in with the girl and confuses hell out of guys. So I circulate and check back on Alyssa.
Gone. Look around back. Nope. Check front. Nothing.
I am so pissed at myself. Rapport was going so well I totally forgot logistics, her friend, other guys, and general chaos of hopping bar in general.
Always get some close early just in case. Damnit. I acted all casual and now she's gone, and that real, solid, sexual connection just poof! up in smoke.
So I game a little more, but I'm bummed. Just a stupid !#@* on my part.
So I walk outside to lean against wall and smoke pensively. Chat with some other dudes out there and tell them the story... the one that got away.
Suddenly a flash in front of me... it's Alyssa, being led out by Bruce Willis.
Here's the sweet part.
He sees me and deftly moves her to his outside so he's in-between me and her. Nice footwork for a big dude.
Now she sees me` and waves her arm behind his back. There's something in her hand. I reach out without looking and take it.
She no-look passed me her card! Dude had no idea.
So what happened?
Call her card on the Monday following (work card). Chat her up at work. Fun, sexy banter. She's fun. Can't connect schedules for two weeks. Finally set up a date.
She drives across Bay to meet at my house. She arrives. !#@* dolled up. Just a lovely, lovely girl. I pick her up in a hug and tell her she smells great.
We walk inside so I can get by jacket. She pets my cute dogs. Says hi to rooommate. We walk out along flower-lined street to local pub to watch hockey (she loves the Sharks). I stop at one point and pin her against the wall and sniff her hair... then pull back and just look.
She can't take it. Reaches up to pull me in to kiss. I stop her... wait one second, then pull her back for a kiss.
Yep. Nothing better than a good-night kiss at the start of the date.
The rest?
Watch game. Drink beers. Chat with all my friends in bar. All my friends and bartenders hit on her and call her gorgeous. We walk home. I pull her into my room to show her something. Cue up end scene from Scrooged where Bill Murray is explaining the meaning of Christmas. Turn lights off, close door tight. No questions, no qualms. Behind closed doors. A gentleman never tells.
She is a lovely girl. Definite keeper material.
Lessons Learned:
- Always be on point with everyone.
- Seduce the room and the ones you really want will just end up with you.
- Keep your head up and keep at it, because when it's working, nothing can stop it.
- And use every other guy as just another ally to make it clear that you, and only you, are the best man for her.
Check out Sean's interview.

posted by Donovan at 4:34 PM Dating Advice for Men

yep that pretty much sums it up for me
its good to know that im not alone, but im working on it and with sites like this I at least stand some kind of chance
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