Does David Deangelo's Double Your Dating Work?
posted by Donovan at 7:26 PMDoes David Deangelo's Double Your Dating ebook work? Does Double Your Dating help you succeed with women?
I was on a forum the other day. Dating the topic. I felt it appropriate to comment on the dating advice some of the other forum users were posting. (Wussy advice eg. Treat her with utter respect, and always treat her like a princess) The title of thread was "About various dating books". David Deangelo came up. They posted comments like...
Some women said this about David Deangelo
Lissa's post: "First of all, the majority of the regular members here are women. The women here will tell you that David Deangelo's crap doesn't work. Therefore, you clearly don't know what works with women. Maybe Double Your Dating works with brainless skanks who just want a one night stand, but it doesn't work with women with any intelligence or sense of self-worth. If that's the type of person you want to be, and want to be with, then yay for you. However, that's not what this site is about. I suggest you move on down the web... Contrary to what you say and believe, the type of guy I wanted is the kind who isn't so insecure that he has to read a manual to "get chicks." The type of guy who doesn't want to "get chicks" or "double his dating", but to have a real relationship with a real woman. Well, whaddya know. I just described my husband."and...
Serendipity's post: "The reason I worry about it? One because David Deangelo is taking advantage of vulnerable guys with no self esteem. Second, because I am sick to death of being hit on by guys using these kind of stupid techniques. Fortunately, I can usually get rid of them, but it's annoying and demeaning... Possibly this sort of corny rehearsed cocky shit works if you're looking for some drunken brainless skanky ho to have a one night stand in a club with. Not so much if you're looking for a real relationship with a real, intelligent, educated, non-shallow woman. I am one, I think I would know."
What Double Your Dating & David Deangelo Is Really About
It was funny. One accused that if I was SO good with women, why wasn't I attached... David Deangelo's book explains some of the reasons why you wouldn't be... why would you be attached to one girl when you can choose between many before you've made up your mind which one you want to be with permanently...Notice the hostility towards the David Deangelo discipline. There usually is when people are faced with obvious truths. Never have either of these women read or listened to David Deangelo's material. I'll firstly tell you why. David Deangelo's material does not...
1. Take advantage of vulnerable guys with no self esteem.
2. Teach to use "corny rehearsed cocky shit"
3. Work on brainless girls
Double Your Dating does not take "advantage" of men with low self esteem. David Deangelo's material clearly teaches to master the "inner game" first before learning "pick up lines". David Deangelo tells you to get your head in the right place, and to start believing in yourself. David Deangelo teaches you to let go of negative past experiences and re-frame your beliefs so you have a positive outlook for the future. Otherwise, how could you attract women? Women aren't attracted to men with low self-esteem. I have noticed that even SUCCESSFUL males aren't always good with women.
David Deangelo never talks about rehearsing "canned" lines. David Deangelo does tell you to adapt the Double Your Dating material to your own personality. To evolve his techniques to fit your personality. Double Your Dating does give you ideas, methods and formulas to create your material to use when approaching, and conversing with women. But David Deangelo never says, "Just use cocky and funny lines". Deangelo does say to use it as a spice and sprinkle it occasionally throughout conversations. But of course, to come up with your own personalized material.
David Deangelo's methods are so valuable and intelligent that they really don't work on women of lower intelligence. This material is challenging and reward based. The comments you make and the personality you project is not meant for women of lower intelligence. The most intelligent women that I have encountered are usually the ones that are MOST attracted to it. It is designed to help you become an alpha-male that can attract women to your personality. It helps you to overcome barriers such as an unattractive appearance, and helps you overcome your shyness.
What Double Your Dating & David Deangelo Did For Me
I never used to be confident around women. I never used to be able to pick out a woman, walk up, and get a phone number within two minutes. Now I can. Double Your Dating is the reason. In all honesty, it's changed my life. You can read users comments on how Double Your Dating has helped them as well. I've now become a man that has power and choice when it comes to dating and women. I feel a sense of empowerment that only came after I read David Deangelo's ebook Double Your Dating. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't click a link three years ago, and taken that leap. Oh wait, I do know where I'd be: lonely on a Friday night wishing there was a beautiful woman next to me.
In response to these women, might I add that they confessed later that they were NOT in the dating world much and confessed being in a relationship for more than 2 years - not great people to get DATING advice from. They don't know whats going on in the real dating world anymore. They don't understand social dynamics on an "unconscious" level. I feel their criticisms of Double Your Dating / David Deangelo are unwarranted and unfounded.
You'll notice a drastic improvement in your game when you adopt David Deangelo's material that's found in his ebook Double Your Dating. If you haven't already read Double Your Dating, you can download it and be reading it in minutes via this link, otherwise post your feelings about the ebook below.
UPDATE: David Deangelo has released a program that has transformed the online dating world. David Deangelo has gathered the best in the world at the internet dating game and has put together a comprehensive DVD package. The internet is a great place to practice conversation and flirting. If you're interested in online dating, you should take a sneak peek at sample clips for David Deangelo's Meeting Women Online DVD's.
SIDE NOTE: If you really want to amp up your cocky and funny and conversational skills which David Deangelo talks about continually, check out his instructional DVD set Cocky Comedy. All three of these are awesome resources. I have them all and continually look back on them on a regular basis.
Labels: david deangelo

posted by Donovan at 7:26 PM Dating Advice for Men

I do not know what's going on.
I have been using constantly
DYD's stuff for 2 years or so.
David says about girls who "will get addicted to DYD techniques" and
girls who will "want to be around you". None of them has happened, or it has happened for a really short time. So, guys there are REALLY lots of pieces in the puzzle. I cannot see guys with really low social and dating skills to date more girls than I. Do not be shy to publish the truth online. We are MEN first and 2nd
we are PHILOSOPHERS-not the other
way around.
I have used DYD techniques for almost 2 years also and have seen success, in fact my last girlfriend I've had and I attribute DIRECT causality to the DYD teachings.
You must keep in mind that everyone is different and it is false to say that everyone starts at the same level.
One thing that seperates DYD from the others is that he puts a VERY strong emphasis on INNER GAME, which has to deal with your issues, inner confidence, because this is what you portray to the outside world.
There is no quick fix and you must put in the work required. Although DYD misses to show a few things, it is BAR NONE the best thing out there available for the newcomer.
I sound like an old commercial spouting how great it is, but it really is and has brought me from a loner to having much more confidence with myself, having great friends and even getting me into a great relationship with a woman.
It would be an understatement to say that DYD has helped my life, and I feel I must put in my 2 cents because had it not come along I would still be an AFC wussbag that has no friends and has low self-esteem.
I gotta agree with asianchia
DYD got me introduced to the whole truth behind what really happens behind men women interactions...
It's great
Some of his stuff works, Like being confident and teasing. But not everything is solved by his techniques, being "Cocky and funny" doesn't always work, I seen it happen and I seen how women quickly brushed them off.
Not everything works, Some of his stuff is right, but not everything and I noticed how in his newsletters he goes around in circles mentioning the same thing all over again.
It's NOT ABOUT techniques, lines or manipulation. It's ALL about inner confidence and humor.
DYD helps people who don't have the courage to go up to a woman by showing them a map of how it is best done.
Also, i'd like to note that the more beautiful and intelligent a woman is, the more she will be attracted to these characteristics. Slutty club girls are often too shallow to see past the 'look' of a guy anyway.
I can vouch for David D's mindset and ideas.
About two years ago I was annoyed that I had a difficult time approaching women, but the women I did know seemed to love me to death. It seemed as if when I wasn't trying to connect with women, they just connected with me.
So after digging through a lot of stuff online, and eventually finding Double Your Dating, I found something interesting. Apparently, with women I know, I do EXACTLY what he suggests.
I am the definition of cocky/funny. And from someone who has this mindset, believe me when I say that it works. My entire personality is modeled around this, and I can make women give that 'OH NO YOU DIDN'T' look while they're trying not to laugh too loud in a quiet place like a book store. ;)
If you're not having success, you just need to look at yourself and find your weakpoints. Do you know WHEN to use cocky/funny humor? Do you like to throw out that 'just kidding' garbage afterwards? Do you sit there and wait for a reaction from her after saying something, or do you KNOW you're awesome, smirk, and KNOW she's going to react?
I wouldn't blame David DeAngelo for a lack of success. It definitely works. If it didn't, my personality wouldn't work, and life would be pretty boring.
You know, I've just ended reading Neil Strauss's "The Game", and it's kind of mind blowing how all those PUA end up maquiavelian (Tyler Durden), psychologically empty (Mystery and all those dudes who got into spirituality), social robots (90% of all of them) or sick of the PUA world (like Neil Strauss).
THIS is what makes DeAngelo's stuff huge. As Dr Paul says in his interview with him, Double Your Dating works as some kind of male initiation in a society that has lost the idea of masculinity.
His programs "Deep Inner Game" and "On Being A Man" get really deep into the idea of psychological maturity, growth and health, and masculinity, respectively.
If you take this two programs and David Deida's book "The Way Of The Superior Man" and PUT THEM TO USE, commiting (this time FOR REAL) to yourself to spend 1 hour/day during 90 days using the material, you'll get not just a complete personality change for good after those days, but a super burst of life energy from the first one.
As Dave says, guys, make a favor to yourselves
People love discussing Cocky and Funny: the bad, the good, and the ugly. Yes, David D talk a lot about it, but there is so much more he teaches. Here's the deal - Cocky and Funny has to be funny. Humor has to be a big part of it. If the girl isn't laughing once in a while, then she is not finding it funny, just arrogant. Adjust to her and you will get results. Then follow the rest of DYD teachings. It works. I just got a chick's phone number yesterday by using David's advice and directly asking Are you single? She said yes, and wrote her info down. One guy passing by heard the conversation and gave me a brotherly hand shake and hug and said Hell yeah, that's how you do it dawg! Practice it, you'll get results.
Kudos for the analysis. I am not surprised by the responces the women have made negatively toward DyD. Nor do I believe that these women are the minority who this material would not work on. They are simply concerned, intelligent women, being themselves.
They don't realize the male perspective just as most males don't realize the female perspective. Their intelligent brain does not get past the kind of inner comfort and rapport that the guidelines and reframing purpose of DyD is intended to provide. It inherently appears to them as a futile guide, but empirically it IS workable on classy women because the point of the guide is to build class and a fun, caring, and attractive attitude without the syndromes of insecurity and such.
DYD is good to get inner game down and get you on the right track. There is no doubt about it. I recommend checking it out. A good part of his material stresses the evolution/scientific interaction of men and women and how Cocky Funny encompasses this.
In my experience and talking to many pua's, Cocky Funny can be quite effective in situations however it should not be over-used and when gaming girls of lower social value it can work against you (works best on 9's and 10's). There is a lot of different stuff you can learn from different a lot of material, decide what works best for you, then get out there and use it.
Ideally: Attract with cocky/funny, then drop it and create good rapport, isolate, then close.
I personally stumbled upon DD's DyD e-Book in my bulk mail folder at a time (strange enough) when i was really fustrated...I'm a very good looking male model 6' 2" very handsome like a super i go rambling...anyways i could have only gotton what women came and then i would cling to the on i liked the most and it would just push them out of my life...I grew up in a very religious hom in the Caribbean and I was what u could call "the nice polite guy" well mannered and a bit of shy/classy. Reading David's Material Brought what was in the open all the time, to focus...I am now a masculine force to be reconned with...Alot of silent power through my body language--free entrance and V.I.P. treatment to almost every club i come across..I just relax now and women just sail across the room...And c&f when used just makes women look at u as a real man who isn't afraid of speaking their mind without any approval seeking..a true leader on the planet we call earth...power to the D and keep on teaching what these women really want deep down in their evolved souls...Lets all start teaching our young men the way things are, Not as these women wish them to be on the exterior...We are the leaders of this earth..lets reclaim our power and lead as we once did--with power honour and streanth and by our rules..not THE RULES...
Rick--Now in NYC
by the way that very intellegent woman who commented earlier i respect you for standing up and expressing yourself. I don't blame you, in fact i feel sorry for you because women like you are the most vulnerable because you all rely on your logical intellegent thinking with men--and yes you will get the so called prince charming to marry to you--most times a guy who doesn't know what going on--a guy who you can keep under your control and in the dark with your charms and smoothe intellegent lyrics...personally i fell sorry for him..i'll personally give him my copy of DYD and we'll see how much happier you'll be--especially in by the way this is all assumptions...anyway don't you have anything better to do than trying to get all worked up over us guy's living our life..aren't u married?--you're out of the game already...stay out..what's the matter--something missing in your got hurt at an early age and turned into a controlling bitch that loosed contact with your true sexual being...that part of you want to come out...howevever you need a strong alpha man to bring her out--oh how you wish it could be your very own prince charming...but u might loose him for good if he sees the light of day..because he's the best man u ever had..however lacking a secret ingredient to unleash the ultimate mating freak within u that cant stop wanting more and more...the part that wants him to nibble on your earlobe or kiss you along the skin on your neck and sholders...ect ect ect...
peace out
Great point Mr. Diesel. David Deangelo suggests a masculine frame of reference at all times. Cocky and funny is simply a tool to be used at a good moment, NOT ALL THE TIME. People seem to miss the complete scope of what David says. The great thing about David's material: It works with every other methodology out there that deals with seduction. Mystery Method, Juggler Method, Badboy Method, Pickup 101, it's really the basis of what you need to make those method's more successful and congruent.
I know C+F has perhaps become a ball and chain for David D. Many people see it as the crux of his whole philosophy. Or at least it has always seemed that way in the DYD newsletters.
I have always intepreted C+F as a means to communicate the right frame/strong inner game/charisma/masculinity/whatever you choose to call it. BUT there are many other ways to communicate this, consciously and subconsciously (e.g. voice delivery tone and body langauge). I think those other ways are the more important ones. A woman will sense what your frame is, with or without C+F.
The reason why C+F 'doesnt work' sometimes is because the guy lacks the right frame. The inner game/his identity is not strong enough. She senses weakness and it's a turnoff for her.
As DYD teaches, the words are just words. Like the old cliche: It's not what you say but how you say it.
I think the Fonz once said, "It's not The Jacket it's who's in it!"
What's that Bond film where he comes out of swimming in the harbour in HK, dirty, bearded, in torn rags and walks into an expensive hotel. Priceless.
Personally, I think all these methods are useless in the long run without inner game.
Fix your inner game, eliminate your inner obstacles and the method will create itself. Women will seek you out because let's face it, there are not many guys out there who have supreme inner confidence and seem fearless.
Oh mate, Die Another Day was awesome. That part blew my mind.
Thankyou Anonymous.
Let me use a gun and bullet metaphor.
C+F is the bullet.
Our inner game, delivery, confidence, frame of mind is the gun.
If the bullet doesn't work, it might be we are using a watergun.
Don't blame the bullet. Work on the gun.
Fo me, that Die Another Day scene is what I aspire to in terms of inner game. It is the ultaiate compsure. How can anyone not be attracted to that?
I'v been following this 'community' for about 2 yrs now. I don't sarg I work on inner game and then I talk to women when I'm in the right frame. And I take note of what happens. The DYD stuff is what drew me in (specifically the evol psych). I just finished The Game. It gave plenty of history behind much of the info in DYD. It's too bad the whole scene became commerical because it seems to me no one had a monopoloy on the info- everyone learned fom everryone else and built upon it. It confirmed my initial impressions of SS and the MM and of RSD.
I think the canned lines are quite silly. A man who is experienced with women has no canned lines he must learn. He has his own 'lines' and EXPERIENCE using them on many women because he has confidence to approach women... in turn because he has a strong character and high self esteem.
The linear formulas of PUA are simply what every natural does automatically. He moves forward. He's bold because he kws it's worked for him many times before.
Here's my formula: CONFIDENCE + EXPERIENCE = sex (everytime you talk to a woman, the door opens)
They can smell these two things.
The real man/natural doesn't need to devise lines that demonstrate higher value... by just being honest his words already do that... because he BELIEVES he has high self worth. He believes he IS higher value.
Beyond teaching us what are the characteristics of the REAL man, the alpha, the leader, I think this collective knowledge includes info about women that extremely useful to a guy with no experience with women. Still this info on what is an alpha male and how women behave is all around us, right in front of us. Yet somehow we need 'gurus' to point it out to us. I don't think a high school kid needs training to be good with women. He just needs to find some self esteem, be confident and 'bust a move'. That separates him from most of his peers. The girls are WAITING to be approached.
The reason the silly lines work is twofold:
1. Because just learning them and getting a guy to talk to people (strange people) makes him more confident which then is refected to those he speaking to. Surprise: women like confidence. IOI follows. Whoa. Genius.
2. The targets (in the book) are women with low self esteem. In the book there seemed to be a definite oientation toward club girls strippers and targets that Heidi Fleiss could "turn out". The world's greatest PUA picks up striers with implants? And claims he's dated some of the most beautiful women in the world? Wow. Interesting frame.
Now I know there must be guys using some of the info we all gain from 'PUA' on very high quality women. But there sure were not any in that book.
It seemed like guys were expending massive effort often with no results (but many 'lessons learned'), paying for expensive seminars, sacaficing their education and jobs, even paying for plane tickets fo women and trying to have as girlfriends... girls that were, in theory, a couple of steps away from escorting. Heidi Fleiss was making a point. These girls are not major conquests.
I will leave you with this thought: in the reviews of the book on Amazon I spotted a mention of a book by Jared Diamond called The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimanzee (1992). In it he talks about how humans select a mate. There's no mention of the process attraction of course and plenty of talk about the end result of it, i.e. selecting a mate based on religion and political beliefs, socio-economic status etc. And statistics show amongst couples, generally, like attracts like. Couples look similar, right down to the length of their ear-lobes.
Perhaps in the short term, PUA technique can result in casual sex between diverse partners... but in the long term there has to be more similarity between two people. This seems too obvious but it may be the elusive obvious as DD would say. Like so much of this stuff, it's right in front of us but we treat it as if it's some great mystery.
And back to the DYD principles. why did Style get dumped by his rockstar GF? He let out his wussy? And now he's returned to recruit new PUA's via an online forum of his own?
This is a quote from Dr. Clotaire Rapaille, psychologist and market researcher. It was taken from the transcript of the PBS documentary "The Persuaders".
"I've done a lot of work for people that market products to mothers, right? (...) When a woman becomes a mother, the reptilians take over. Suddenly she is a mother first. The husband is second; the baby is first. (...) The code for mothers, for me, is total paranoia. Total paranoia. Mothers know that you can't stop watching, being careful, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They feel the danger before anybody else. Now, sometime[s] they behave in a very irrational way, so if you try to ask them, "Tell me how you behave in this situation," and so on, well, they're going to tell you something that makes sense. But if you are really right there when something happens, you see suddenly the reptilians take over -- bingo. And that what is interesting."
What do I mean?
Well, if you directly ask mothers if they will put their husbands in second place to their babies, they will just say "no, of course not" and maybe "it's all about knowing how to share the attention" or any other good looking bullshit that makes sense to the cortex, the higher reasoning.
Bottom line: women may say bullshit like this and swear that David DeAngelo methods wouldn't work with them. The fact, however, is that DeAngelo techniques work with the Reptilian. The fact is that those techniques work because they go beyond logic and reason, they mess with the animal inside, the reptilian brain. Even if the women state that it doesn't work, it does work. Believe me, I know.
I have met many attractive women using DD's advice. He's not an advocate of being an ass, he a proponent of confidence.
These women who complain about DD's shit aren't the kind of women DD readers want anyways. we want quality women who know how to have fun....and can take a joke.
Second, because I am sick to death of being hit on by guys using these kind of stupid techniques. Fortunately I can usually get rid of them, but it's annoying and demeaning...
Id be interested what this woman would tell me on a cf "line". Just sounds to me like she's raising the bitch-shield (love this term, credits to mystery). The 1st thing that came to my mind by imagining this situation is me commenting on her getting rid of me:"I dont know where u r from, but I will not suffer becuz of your bad manners or missing upbringing of your mom. I wish you a nice day." (This is NOT meant to be c&f, its first used by a dyd guest speaker and what i really think now, he just had the better words for it ;). Dont remember his name now, sry mate and a big round of applause for him)
Girls, never forget: DYD technologies main point is NOT the skillset, its the "beliefs", which will change your whole point of view,"believing is seeing" (Sean on Cocky Commedy). This, changes everything beneath it, including the skillset.
asa from Germany (committed DYD fan)
"Never take dating advice from women!"
here is why
what women say they are attracted to IS NOT THE SAME as what they are subconsciously attracted to.
EXAMPLE: healthy food is good for you but the pizza is irresistable!
I can't believe how DYD has changed the interaction with women that are already in my life. It's only been a week since I read it.
I haven't picked up a stranger, yet. That's the next step. But, women I know but have had trouble closing, are coming around. I've got two dates this week, and one on the burner. It's amazing.
Also, I just ran across this quote today, and thought it very apropos for this...
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.
in order to fully take advantage of david's stuff you must first understand what it really is about. there is a plethora of information about the subcomunication that goes on on every human interaction!
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I'm not a PUA. However, I found DYD in early 2005, and in early 2006 I came across The Game by Neil Strauss, and was intrigued and wanted to learn about these pickup artists.
Here's what I can tell you. I may be wrong, but I've come to believe that:
There are guys who are very successful with women. They are in two categories:
1) Well-adjusted guys - from early on, they had good friends, met more people through them, and had access to a large social circle. This bred confidence because they were in a supportive, positive environment. In turn, they were relaxed when meeting others and came across as interesting desirable people, even if they didnt get to hook up with a stranger girl. They usually don't go trying to "pick up" girls because they have access to a wide circle with lots of women to choose from. They don't experience rejection on a regular basis because they already have common friends, and their relationships are generally stronger because of the common friends and acquaintance with each other's environment.
These guys don't have as much success getting ANY woman they want, but overall I'd say they live much happier lives and if I had to pick I'd be in this group.
After writing the next paragraph I realized I have a lot more to say about the second group...
2) Pick-up artists: These guys are often loners, in the sense that they weren't part of a "cool" social group. They try to make up for the stuff they are missing, and since they can't find the women of their dreams within their "uncool" social circle, they go trying to get women "out in the world." Thus they have much more choice and can in principle wind up with much more beautiful and objectively desirable women than if they had only met them through friends and contacts. In practice though it's unusual for strangers to acknowledge attraction for one another and decide to get to know each other better on the spot. At least in the USA. And thus they have to learn to do things which are generally not considered socially acceptable, face rejection on a continuing basis, and sometimes endure criticism from their old friends.
This should be qualified... I have talked to many girls and asked them what they think meeting guys on the street and in the subway, and MOST (I'd say 8 out of 10) said that's kind of freaky, etc. Keep in mind that in Russia 20 years ago (where my family's from) this was much more normal. So social customs play a BIG ROLE. However, in bookstores and libraries things are completely different, with girls telling me that it's totally cool for guys to hit on them. No girl wishes to be hit on the street, but you can see posts of girls wishing to meet a guy in a bookstore.
Anyway back to the PUAs: there are some guys who are REALLY GOOD at picking up women! Like Mystery, like Style. I don't know any others personally so I can't talk about them but I know there are hundreds of PUAs out there that aren't worth 1/20th of the money they charge. They are just guys who try to make money teaching guys the theory but they are no better themselves than an average guy armed with theory. They also become quite jaded because they have to approach women and constantly get rejected.
Also the relationships of PUAs are centered around sex and usually don't last very long (the term "long" in Multiple Long Term Relationships is misleading, IMHO. If you want a real example of a MLTR look at Hugh Hefner). In my opinion this is because of two things: 1) analyzing too many details makes one forget what love is, and 2) using too much stock material makes one forget what they have to offer naturally, and they have a hard time taking their relationship to the next level, or even keeping a girl beyond her interest in sex.
My impression is that most guys in america are not strictly 1) or 2) but somewhere in between. And the material in the pick-up ("seduction") community gives you the tools to become more of #2.
Just remember there is more to happiness than regular sex, especially if it's constantly with different partners. If you want to have sex with different women who would wait on your every word you could spend all that time becoming rich, moving to somewhere prostitution is legal and hiring prostitutes every day. Not my cup of tea.
About me: I'm sort of what PUAs would call a "natural". I love to be aware of the social dynamics but I treat them as tools to enhance what I already know about myself. However I don't have the success of a PUA, because I don't push when women don't respond. I believe that things work out best when both people want each other. So you must not push too hard. It may mean you won't get that specific girl you are fixated on, but in the end you can end up much happier!
PS: Oh, and don't underestimate the value of having beautiful female friends. You don't have to constantly be on the lookout for a mate.
I have 4 DVDs about body language in seduction.
Here's a screenshot taken from one of them. The guy is the speaker, and is supposed to be David Deangelo.
Screenshot from DVD.
But when I look at his picture on Wikipedia, I can see his face is very different.
Picture on Wikipedia.
So, who is who ?
Direct link to the DVD screenshot.
OK, MY MISTAKE. IT WAS A GUEST ON DVD4. Sorry about that.
That is San Diego Craig, of the Elimidate fame.
all this stuff from the seduction gurus are a waste of time! it's all about money. if you want to get the women you can learn simply by reading scientific journals and in particular studies relating to evolution and animal behavior. to sum it up to be attractive to females you have to do what will increase her and her offspring's probability of survival. this means signalling vast economic resources, proving social and networking skills via humor, etc.
The funny thing is that those women would probably fall for a guy who has studied DYD and not even know it. Kudos.
Double Your Dating works perfect and has nothing to do with manipulating "brainless" women. (referring to Lisa's comment)It is simple a toolbox to help increase inner confidence. /F
'ON BEING A MAN' is DD's epitome work...Its about 'discovering your missing manhood'..and just a small part about women(it takes care of itself as David says). The world would be more beautiful with Real Men with all their 100% manhood and am sure the women will agree...Lol!
look dave stuff works no doubt about it... for all those against whats wrong with knowing whats you want in life and not excepting no shit. the funny thing is we all had the answers with in us... dave is just a man who makes us believe and brings it out.... lifes what u make it so wwhy would u let other make u feel shit.... thanks dave... ps not trying to sell the products
I don't think you guys understand why women are so upset about DYD and similar material. A primitive part of them is terrified of it.
DYD is like cheating on their tests. If a lot more guys act confident and interesting, then how will they know which ones have that in their DNA, and which ones had to learn it?
Of course, it ultimately doesn't matter to the guys or to the women whether masculine behavior is genetic or learned from DYD. But women are obsessive about being able to detect "real" quality in men, whatever that is.
thats a great point freeideas.
I think its really intersting to see how much David himself has changed over the years. If you watch him in his original Advanced series and him in his recent seminars like "Deep Inner Game," you can tell hes become a much more mature masculine man than before.
Before I kinda got the idea that he was concentrating on using techniques like cocky funny, playing hard to get, etc. to convey a false masculinity to women, but you can tell now that hes got his inner game together and hes just "being himself" :p.
I must say I find "Deep Inner game" much more useful than any of his previous work. Every guy who has a problem involving a lack of masculine energy/confidence should get this set of dvds. Highly recommended.
I agree with the last statement. I've used David's material to refine and challenge the ways I date women for about a year. Its worked. I'm very happy with my success and the confidence in my ability to end up with a great women when I choose to do so.
I do not see this as manipulative. Its moreso understanding how to come across well. And what a woman needs.
Something that isn't stated clearly in all of the seduction material is how our society praises those who can seduce without gifts and/or compromise. Its genetic and is the same in every culture on this planet. This is powerful and well-worth the small amount of money I've spent.
I have doubled my dating like you wouldn't believe, I don't need Davids help! ;)
I've been using the DYD material for three years. I had a handful of success stories come out of David D's material, whether be short-term encounters or long-term relationships. For some reason, it stopped working when I decided to "upgrade" to a higher level of women. When I look back, I think the women it worked on were ultimately women I did NOT want to be with, and who were not very mature and healthy. So, I made it a point to STOP using his material months ago, only keeping little bits and pieces. I am thankful for his insights, because it helped me open up to how men and women really communicate at a deep unspoken level, but I think to be truly great and sophisticated with women, you have to develop your OWN insights and skill sets, independent of advice you've received from others, like David D and assorted "gurus". But, it is possible. In conclusion, I'd like to say his material is DEFINITLEY worth studying, but be very careful with its usage, and develop your own identity instead of mimicking his!
I have been using DYD for more than three years.
I have to say that by using DYD stuffs, you will DEFINITELY see results. One of the best aspects is that David breaks the concept of attraction down so well that it will penetrate your skin. He's an excellent teacher.
However, you have to be extremely careful: using attraction 'techniques' for too long can backfire you. Too much teasing, and women will classify you as immature. A mature woman expect you to know when to drop that teasing thing and start getting connecting with her on a deeper level.
I have actually lost many women by thinking that using attraction stuffs only will keep them long enough, so that I'll have time to choose one when I want to.
Well, unfortunately, it doesn't work this way. It's fascinating to women that you keep paying them attention, and they love it, no matter how you do it (cocky & funny, teasing, busting balls...).
But if you only keep using techniques, and do not show interest in their lives and do not let them have a sense that you can as well connect with them, you won't go far in keeping women around you. By the time you want to choose the one you want to be with, she'll already be gone.
Understand also that women are not always in the mood for teasing. At certain time, the slightest cokyness (even when combined with funny-ness and the right attitude) will throw them off guard. So, you also have to develop a sense of feeling vibe when it comes to dealing with women.
It is always a good idea to know what your're talking about. And I don't think Lissa has got the foggiest clue of what DdA is all about. IMO she is ranting about "picking up" in general. And she believes it is below her standards.
"The type of guy I wanted is the kind who isn't so insecure" - that's fine. DdA helps men who behave clingy, needy, insecure, who generally "don't get it" to change their wussy ways. And become a man women desire.
"I just described my husband."
Wow, Lissa must be mighty proud to have secured a husband for herself. *lol* But how does she know where he "did came from"? Most people undergo some kind of personal development, and I think DdA isn't the worst guide in the world to help you become a more attractive person. Quite the contrary, actually.
Much of the comments here seem to be quite dubious. It would not surprise me if David and other interested parties were posting them. There are not enough opinions on the other side of the spectrum; the negatives of this magic formula and cases when it didn't work. The first comment was a good example of the other side of the spectrum. Also, far too many comments are simply parroting buzzwords from the programme such as "deep inner game" and "wussy". Not to mention referring to David as if he's some kind of god. You don't need to use these buzzwords to tell us "did it work or did it not". I'm sceptical of the comments, though I'm not saying that it doesn't work... After all, men are inherently manipulated by women - they don't need books and lectures on this to succeed in manipulation. Actually, wait a minute - why should us men be adopting a predominantly feminine technique - psychological manipulation? In that context, DD's technique is much less about becoming a "real man" and much more about becoming somebody fake and baseless, informed by feminine instincts.
David Deangelo is the best dating guru i have ever seen, possibly in the word. but i would like to make a few things clear.
David D teaches us all to have complete self confidence, control over our emotions, and to be the alpha male every woman wants, not by making "Cocky and funny" gestures, but by being a man and by being ourselfs. all a woman really wants is for us to be real men, to be able to control ourselfs. if anyone says that his stuff dosent work i would have to say you guys are inexperienced and are uncapable of change. To be honest its really quite sad, i really pity you guys... do you actually think that if you tell a woman you love her you wont come over as insecure? if you act like you NEED her she wont run for the hills?
All i have to say is its not a scam and will work for YOU if you just use it correctly and follow his advice.
MC, scotland
I missed out on a lot of 'training' that men get early on in life with women. I was under a lot of pressure to get good exam results as so I became very enthusiastic about learning things and at around 16 when all my friends were going out getting into bars and clubs and 'picking up' girls etc, I was busy working in a recording studio and then I went on to work for myself and build a career etc as was expected of guys like me circa 1992.
I had a girlfriend at school and in the last 15 years one or two more, however, i've never been able to get that connection.
All the women would finish it with the usual BS excuses, most notably my most recent before xmas 06 saying she "couldn't commit to the relationship".
This is female BS codeword for "you were too normal and I can't find anything wrong with you therefore it scares me because i'm not used to this."
What can I say, i'm just a dead easy guy to get on with and very laid back. I don't do treat-em-mean tactics like so many so-called friends advise you to do.
I'd like to throw out there then that why do women bang on that they want a great, reliable, normal guy with a great sense of humour and then when one comes along it scares the hell out of them?
To use seduction community lingo, I was definitely an AFC.
I bought DD's eBook in 2004 and while I have had no immediate, life-changing success which I can directly attribute to his work, I can say that if you combine what David teaches with some other research of other teachers such as Mystery, Tyler etc and your own cognitive ability to figure things out and adapt them then yes, you'll have success.
Being intelligent and curious to learn or hear people's opinions, I also got all the DVD's as well.
David states in the eBook that it takes time to learn and become successful at almost anything in life, he specifically cites musical instruments and martial arts.
Having studies self-defence and martial arts of differing styles since I was 12, I can agree that to learn the basics takes a few months, to become good takes a year or two and to become a true expert takes a lot longer.
I've found that a lot of what David teaches in some of the sattelite DVD's (Bars & Clubs, Meeting Women Online) doesn't work in the UK.
If you don't live in a big city (which I don't), you'll find that you need to be very careful about how you play your own individual game as small towns tend to have small minds.
I won't directly name and shame the town I live in but I will say that a lot of the women here are the gold-digger type who are looking for a ticket out and then as soon as you've moved them to somewhere good they'll dump you no matter how social proofed, confident or alpha male you are.
Neil Strauss (aka Style) calls it "The Game", i'd agree that's what it is.
Don't take the material too seriously but do read it. Adapt it, tinker with it.
David and other 'guru's talk about "naturals", at first I believed that it was some mythical power to be naturally good with women, however, what i've come to realise is that it's actually being a "natural person".
Do what you're comfortable with doing and you'll see a lot better results.
I've now pretty much killed approach anxiety and I really have learnt that looks count for about the first 15-30 seconds.
David D, Mystery, Tyler, Style, Thundercat, Loverboy, other PUAs, Lairs etc, if you listen to what they have to say rather than thinking it's all a sermon like at a church then you'll have a lot more success.
Some facts i've deduced:
Most women don't mind being approached and talked to, we generally go out to socialise.
Success is related to how confident you are percieved to be, women love confident men, not arrogant men.
It's how you approach, what you say as an opener and then how the conversation goes and whether you build a rapport and spark attraction all contributes to whether you get her number.
If you get her number, you can generally get a 1st date, it's what you do on the 1st date that defines whether you get a 2nd.
No eBook, seminar or DVD can give you a specific set of things that are guranteed to work - women are not robots, no one thing works.
All the people are selling you a way of reprogramming yourself out of bad habits that you have gained.
Most of what i've learnt above and a lot more has been a combination of materials i've read AND with talking with women about what they don't like in guys.
They don't like guys who kiss their ass all the time - but they want it kissed now and again at the right time.
They like guys who stand up straight instead of curling down hoping no-one will notice them.
They don't want guys to pay for everything ALL the time, they've fought for equality and want to have it. It actually makes a woman feel uncomfortable if you pay for everything, especially if she doesn't have much money of her own - why? Because she will feel that she has nothing to offer.
Before I started reading material about improving my dating life, if a girl dumped me for being a decent, caring human being, i'd retreat into a little ball and cry and feel that I was never going to meet another girl and that one was "the one".
Now, I understand that it's just about incompatibility. Just because she was scared off by the fact that you're confident, easy-going, sensitive, reliable (all the traits they bang on that they want) doesn't mean that another women won't be receptive to who you really are.
I guess it's down to where people are at in their lives.
I'm going off topic a bit here but i'm rounding this up by saying that these eBooks and techniques have definitely made me a better person in myself and isn't that what really counts?
Frankly I am doing much better dealing with my X wife who I had allowed to wussify me over the years. Now when I tell her I will meet her at a given time she shows up instead of flaking out. I have given her the gift of missing me. Dave's ideas have also helped in dealing with other people in my life that were causing me mental anguish because I tolerated their behavior. Being a man makes life much easier but many people will be threatened by it. They want you to stay a wussie so they can get what they want from you. Being controlled by others is not good for your self esteem. Butch up!
I havn't read any of Davids stuff but I will say: Women, if you want to get a guy apply makeup effectively, work out, project your looks with your dress, and have nice hair. Guys, if you want to get a girl apply humor effectively, work, project yourself with your confidence, and have a nice smile.
OK. My turn. First off, I am going through a divorce. I am/was married to a beautiful blond, blue-eyed 6 foot German. I myself was born in NYC, but my parents are Cuban. I attended Princeton University and I run my own business and have a $1MM home.
I am one of those guys that has friends that are Museum directors, etc. I don't work with any of the PUA's or have any interest in any of their businesses. I state these facts so that you guys know where I am coming from.
For most of my life, I have been a natural. I have never had to pick up girls or ask for numbers, or email addresses or anything. I dated models, ex-Miss Black America, whatever..Girls from all over the world, period. I even managed to pick up my wife.
Lots of babes, lots of good times.
Once I got married, and my wife got pregnant - I turned into a complete wussy.
I thought that was the way I was supposed to act.
Hmmm..I am also a computer programmer. And often, when I have to learn a software language, I invest a lot of money (like 10,000+) to take courses, buy books, etc. Usually, the things I learn are not huge, but I don't question my investment. I have come to realize in life that it is little things, that make a big difference.
So, I bought David Deangelos DVD's Mastery and Double Your Dating. I bought Mystery's book. I had a private lesson from an RSD guy, just this past weekend. I have probably spent 4,000 to go through all of this stuff.
I literally started on this only 30 days ago and I recently found this cool forum.
My view is as follows, if you do not have lots of cash, don't spend the money. If you have lots of cash, who cares, take it you might learn something. A one week vacation in the Carribean costs 5000.
What I will tell you is that if you are having trouble meeting the woman that you like, commit to finding out how you can change your life, your game, whatever to get better at it.
Now there can be long discussions, about better reading scientific american, etc..hey, do that if you like. I will simply say that from my perspective all of these techniques, etc. have something to offer, and I have learned much.
Does that mean I will be successful dating, or would have been without them, perhaps...but who cares, all of these materials are designed to make you stretch beyond your own perceived capabilities. Ultimately, at the end of the day, whether you are cocky funny, or whatever, the real you will be revealed -- make sure you keep improving that guy, while you master these techniques to keep your game sharp.
At the end of the day, i suspect it all comes together..better techniques, better guy. if woman object to the techniques, they need to focus on the fact that we are also focusing on improving who we are. What's not to like?
Thanks for all the comments. Read more about David Deangelo techniques at his site.
Hi guys!
I guess you could say I'm an enemy spy, or perhaps an intelligent, cute and nice single woman.
I got DdA's DVDs from a friend who though the inner game could help me with my poor selfesteem. "Just ignore the dating women stuff."
After watching the first DVD I was:
1: annoyed at DdA and Dr Paul for being falsely cool. I really can see straight through them.
2: intrigued by the inner game theory.
3: attracted to something I could not define.
I could not leave it at this. I'm the kind of person who has to know everything, especially why I'm reacting to something. Controlfreak? ;
I watched the DVDs, did some research online and read all of your posts. I just wanted to post my opinions to help you all out. This is not the opinion of every woman in the world, just mine.
1: I would never go out with a guy who wanted a one-night stand, or who was dating someone else. If I was tricked in this I would be really furious. Only a player would date more than one woman at a time. What's the point in getting a hundred dates?
2: I want a man who knows what he wants, who has selfesteem without arrogance. A man who likes himself, his life and now wants a serious relationship.
3: A complete turn-off for me is anything even resembling car-salesman. That includes being too pushy, using pickup-lines and false smiles. In comparison, nerdy is so much better. Cocky-cool would never work on me at first meeting someone.
4: As much as I pride myself of being intelligent and logical, I am controlled by my reptilian brain. I hate it, but I can't do anything about it.
5: Attraction is just one part of falling for someone. I can be attracted to a wide variety of men, but I also have a list of what I want in a man. (It's short but non-negotiable) Some things on my list I can tell straight away, but some things I can only learn with time. No matter how attracted I was to a man, if I found out he was doing drugs, was married etc, I would run.
6: Yes, we women manipulate you men. It is not always something evil. Sometimes it is to test you, and sometimes to help you. The classic "I'm cold" is to help you figure out it is time to hug us.
To sum this up, yes this works. It works on me and probably most women. You just have to figure out what it is you want. Do you want to date five supermodels at the same time? I don't think that's what DdA meant. Do you want to be a good man and find a good woman to share the rest of your life with? This can really help you on your way.
Good luck, Lisa
I had an inner sense of what David was saying, I'm a pretty good looking guy, but could always tell instinctively that looks were just a very small piece of the puzzle.
The reality is that women can't help what they are attracted to. What most women will tell you is what they want to be attracted to. They wish they could be sexually attracted to a man who is rich, handsome, well mannered, respectful, etc. But the reality is that they will only be attracted to that guy if he displays certain "hardcoded" personality traits, and that these traits are what cause sexual attraction, not the other stuff.
Yes, displaying these traits to attract women is power, and can be abused and used to manipulate, no question. But is this any more manipulative for a man to do than for a woman to wear makeup, provocative clothing, breast implants etc? Answer, no its not in and of itself manipulative, but you can use it to manipulate, and that's a big difference.
Breaking the techniques to their essence I would say cocky/funny is just the window dressing. Using these techniques pantomime things a man would do if the following were true:
1. He has a lot of power over material and other men.
2. He has many other women.
3. He has faced and overcome a fear he has.
4. He knows he is capable of overcoming fear again.
5. More that i haven't figured out yet.
Think about the cave and how things were. How do you have to be to successfully hunt an animal, to motivate other men, to win a fight? Guess what? The women who slept with these men survived. The ones who slept with insecure, wimpy men did not.
I'm an older man who's had mixed results in the dating world--both back when I was young and until very recently. I have long been a "nice-guy" who sucked at getting women...EXCEPT for when I behaved very similar to the techniques that David DeAngelo teaches. In other words, every now and then, I used to use some of his techniques by accident. And I would immediately get the pretty girl. The problem was, I didn't have a clue what it is was I did that was so damn effective. This was well before David had even written DYD, so I would just chalk it up to getting lucky and revert back to my wussy, nice guy demeanor with predictably piss-poor results. Too bad I didn't learn this stuff back then...
James -
Hey guys, just wanna join the discussion: I aquired DD ebook and DVDs like 1 year ago and it's the best decision I've made in my life, it's changed my whole life. I just wanted to tell these girls who complain against DD that he or someone like him is the best thing that could ever happen to you...
Intelligent, innovattive, deep truth seeker, socially and academically educated, funny, interesting, likes to help people, well dressed, he's someone in this life who makes things happen where must humans just pass thrugh the world without leaving anything around...
Some stupid assholes might take his material just to get as much sex as possible, but I think those are just a few ones, actually in order to understand and master David's material a man has to be educated and intelligent enough, which is pretty unnormal on guys who just seek sex from women.
Someone from Central America.
Just wanted to say that at the end of the day it's what works that counts. Success stems from selecting results over `just trying'. Everyone is paying for _results_ and David's material does just that. And only in the short-term. We are talking about life-long results here. `Becoming a renaissance man' (David's words) hit home for me. This is what David is trying to teach us guys - and he does so good. A real man:
- Is physically and mentally hardened.
- Stays in touch with his personal `unique virtues' and the things that he enjoys doing and energize him everyday.
- Possesses the art of always being in control of the situation and maintaining it.
- Lives under the paradigm that `believing is seeing' and has visions because of that.
- Makes decisions based on those visions of his and follows through on them, just because he the fact that he approves his decisions is by itself super-sufficient and even more fulfilling for him.
These are all David's opinions and I find myself in complete allignment with those. David doesn't teach you `how to become a PUA' - he teaches you how to become a Real Man.
And yes a real man would do one night stands feeling totally ok with the fact that it's not necessary to get into a relationship with every woman he sleeps with.
And yes a real man would get involved in long relationships if he saw it fit.
And yes a real man in the context of a relationship would devote a woman 40 minutes each day in total presense and undivided attention and then he would go on to follow his purpose once again.
Why? Now this will come as a shock for many:
Cause women want us to.
That's right. Women want men to be like this - it took us a lot of time and effort to find out that this is what women want from men no matter what they say. If you have any issues with this stuff and all that is related to these you have to sit down watch David's stuff and get this part of your life handled. We have a very wrong education about human relationships - it's high time ppl threw the rubbish TV, school and religion has stuffed their heads with and make a clean start hoping that in 30 years from now people wont be suffering from social isolation and end up being alone in their 40s.
Good Morning all of you.
Great posts, amazing, excellent. Worth of reading.
Thanks to Mr DeAngelo.
I hope he is happy and wealthy and in great health.
Please save your comments against some one, you don't know, and worse, think wrongly what he does. He does not do anything at all. He took the time and vision to make a contribution so some people.
I'm learning new stuff all the time, each second, each glaze, each kiss.
Double Your Dating, is in my opinion such a great book. It really give me tools to work my way up. So if you do get it so well that is so easy now, very well it feels so good, isn't it?. If you don't, try again harder.
My 2 cents
Choose a girl with your heart, may she choose with hers too, and then... sex, and Love.
My guess is, nobody here is teaching how to get good with the beautiful ladies of the world.
Is about, you!, learning how to get good with yourself.
Once won that battle, let the wine flow, and the woman dance. For you have won the most important battle of all.
The battle for yourself.
To find yourself, think for yourself.
Does anybody remember the heart visualization? Pretty cool.
The primary sign of a well-ordered mind is a man's ability to remain in one place and linger in his own company . (Seneca)
For those about to score. I salute you.
Mr Blogger.
Congratulations for such outstanding blog. I like it very much. indeed.=) have a nice day!
Good Morning All of you.
Hey guys, just wanted to warn you.
There are guys like me that have a sister who has been neuro linguistic programmed used and then dumped like trash.
Now you can thank Neil Strauss/"Style" for his book (I totally do) because guys like me are now aware of this shit.
The last two guys got away really cheap.
The next guy will have to ask himself if even a hooker will take his money and screw him, when I replace his teeth with my baseball bat - not even thinking what I will do with his balls - after I learn that he is manipulating my sister.
For the admin: Of course you can delete this posting. Or better you let it go through, so your little magicians and padawans know that there are two sides of every coin.
As a young college student my dating life was literally non-existent. I was turning 22 and I've had ZERO dates up to that point in my life. I came across DYD and started reading the weekly emails. After a few short months, it all clicked and I began to understand the whole man-woman dating dynamics. Like others have mentioned,this is not a system but simply a collection of ideas and suggestions which you are free to pick and choose from. I've used his ideas and the results have absolutely blown me away, girls who I wouldn't dream of approaching before were not only interested in me but going head over heals for me. If you're thinking about purchasing DYD sign up for the news letters first, they are free and and the tips and info in them are pure GOLD. David D.'s methods have totally transformed my dating life and I'd recommend his teachings to every guy out there.
Here are some point to remember about DYD:
1) Cocky and Funny takes practice to master: You have to take these ideas and mold them into your own individual personality. See what works for you and what doesn't.
2) DYD changes your inner-self: your self confidence and your outlook on woman and dating.
4) DYD works best on confident, intelligent and attractive women: Average woman will get hostile if you use it too much because they have more insecurities.
5) The less attractive a woman is the less C&F you should use on her.
I'd like to suggest to the lady that clearly criticize David's material to really get into it, of course if she just took a quick look to the book, she felt upset and she never noticed that DAVID never recommends to rehearse cocky lines in order to get chicks... he insists always into working on yourself, I've personally seen his material, not only his techinques work in the real world.. I've amazing, not shallow, pretty, attractive, intelligent and confident women thanx to him, so... Hope this women doesn't post this kind of comments and still be in love with one Pickup Artist...
Freeideas: - It shouldn't really matter if a guy learned it or was born with it.
If he learned it then he has the ability to see what's wrong in his life and how to fix it. That will be in his DNA which will be passed down to the woman's offspring who can in turn do the same thing.
Intelligence > looks or being a "natural" since you can learn to do everything the natural does and more by analysing him and others.
I have to say, you guys are sad freaks and don't really measure up to what a modern woman expects from a man!
I first have to admit I have not read ALL of David's book,but have a very personal friend who decided to try this after his 2nd divorce. I would like to thank David for turning a loving,caring, successful man & father into a total JERK!! Yes, he was somewhat insecure before,but in order for him to gain this extoverted ,"Cocky & Funny" and shit attitude, he started drinking again after 11 YEARS SOBER!! Nice work David!!!
I think there are enough "Bad Boys" out there (I have dated enough of them ) that David doesn't need to add more to the male race.
I am a good looking, inteligent woman, and if someone came up to me and acted the way you suggest I wouldn't give him the time of day. I think this crap would work on the yonger girls ,as they don't have alot of guy experience,but using it on a woman who is mature..FORGET IT.Seems all this crap is good for is for men to find a quick "Hump and Dump" not a loving , lasting relationship!!
But I guess we all have to make a buck somehow and if David DeAngelo can live with himself selling this crap to the men with low self esteem and lack of social skills kudos for him,he has just joined the ranks of slimy con artist and I wouldn't want to be him when he meets his maker!!
In praise of David Deangelo's DYD product: Do it! I have studied David Deangelo's products and ideas and advice, theories, suggestions, wisdom, for two years now. I have always been confident, socially-savvy, fine with women, etc. but I got into the study simply out of curiosity. I am so glad that David D is a good marketer because the information has helped me enjoy my life. The best part of getting his Advanced Dating Techniques program is that it led me to many books and interesting topics in which to study. I have read more books in the last two years than... I read 50 books last year. Now I'm studying astronomy, psychology, evolution, spirituality, relationships, Dale Carnegie, Daniel Goleman, Susan Jeffers, Teresa Crenshaw, Anthony Robbins, The Bible, Darwin, marketing, science, biology. Basically, David Deangelo led me to a multitude of fascinating topics. I now love to learn. I read about 50 pages a day and keep a personal journal in order to track and organize my ideas and discoveries. So does DYD help you succeed with women? I haven't asked anyone but I know that it has helped me succeed with myself.
David deangelo does have powerful stuff that truly work but to be truly successful you have to have daves stuff and then find a way of getting them into your personality. What i mean is just don't pick the whole package as it is, but rather as it suits your personality.
First of all, I've been getting DeAngelo's free e-mails for a while now, and I think they've been useful a little. I think he's right on the money as far as the concept of attraction. I mean, the fact that it's an emotion and doesn't abide by "rational" thought or logic or whatever. Women can say, "I want a man who's honest, sensitive, nice and loves me for me." BULLLLSHITTTT. Women aren't attracted off the bat to guys like this. If anything, you'll forever be labeled as the guy who's "just a friend." Unfortunately, a lot of young women end up being attracted to dirtbags and guys who use them. I've seen it happen OVER AND OVER. Not to label and diss young women. When we're young, we do more ignorant things because we lack experience and wisdom. I've made plenty mistakes that maybe a ten year older, more mature man wouldn't have made. The point is this though, A LOT OF GIRLS SAY ONE THING AND MEAN ANOTHER. So, us guys have to learn to work through this. I think it's important for good-hearted guys who are more shy and not as confident, like I was and still am to an extent, to pick up some tips (not COMMANDMENTS) so that way we can level the playing field. A lot of this stuff is just-to-get-your-foot-in-the-door kind of advice. It's not rules to live your life by. There are a lot of us good guys though that just need a little encouragement and advice so we can put ourselves in the game with these more charismatic dirtbags. Then, hopefully, once more women have the opportunity to get to know us, they'll see our underlying good nature and appreciate us more than those other jerks. Take everything with a grain of salt, man.
SUSAN, how the hell can you say a couple dating advice products turned your good friend into a raging alcoholic jerk?!?! I'm sorry, but maybe after his second divorce, the man was distraught and fell into bad habits again out of desperation. I can understand you wanting to be mad at something/someone for what happened, but unfortunately, your friend lacked strength and courage. If you read a certain book or watch a certain DVD, you're not going to automatically go out and act on whatever you saw. If thats true, then after all the music I've listened to, movies I've watched and things I've read, .....well, hell, I should be dead or in jail. Very sorry to hear about your friend though.
Susan, you have completely missed the point. As has already been stated in numerous comments on this page, the essence of DD's material is helping guys evolve into confident and mature men and getting rid of any psychological baggage from the past that's holding them back. His most in-depth programs (like "On Being A Man" and "Deep Inner Game") have really helped me become more mature and sure of myself, and as I study DD's material I see how my lack of success not only with women, but socially in general, was largely due to my immature "wuss" personality, and the fact that I had so many psychological barriers in my head. Through lots of painful experiences during my childhood and teen years where I was always the unpopular kid who got picked on etc, I was never given an opportunity to develop my confidence. It's kind of hard to feel confidence when you get constantly knocked down for trying. And I convinced myself somehow that I am simply the type of guy that women don't want. Through DD's material I have come to recognize my own self deception, and I feel like a whole new world of opportunity has opened up before me, because I don't feel like a worthless piece of dung anymore. DD's stuff goes way beyond the mere skill of picking up women, although of course that's part of it. It's when you see the technique part in centext with the inner psychological aspect that everything starts to make sense. I find that the ebook merely scratches the surface of his ideas. And without a wider base of knowledge than having read parts of the ebook, your opinion really says nothing.
Wow Susan... I'm really sorry that a personal friend has backslid into drinking again after 11 dry years. But it's pretty obvious that this person had A LOT of problems LONG before he ever looked at DYD. As others have said, if you really read what David says, there is no way you could claim that DYD turned him into an alcoholic.
And to all the women who are dismayed by DYD creating guys who are looking for one night stands: Guess what? LOTS of guys are only looking for one night stands! Is that a shock or surprise? I doubt it. You should be happy for DYD because one thing it does is tell guys to think about what they really want and then don't feel like they have to pretend they want something else. So you will know IMMEDIATELY if a DYD devotee is only looking to get laid. And you know what? The DYD devotee won't care if you aren't interested because, surprise, there are actually a lot of good looking, nice, intelligent women are looking for the same thing.
And if you meet a guy that is your personality match who has been using DYD, you'll have a LOT of fun, you'll find him extremely attractive, and you'll end up in a long term relationship that you both will find fulfilling.
DYD doesn't create pathetic a**holes... lol, it actually makes them easier to identify :-) That's usually because they are the ones who completely don't get it and end up making themselves look even more idiotic and pathetic. The people who benefit the most are intelligent, attractive women who are bombarded with come-ons from jerks -- because DYD can take the shy, nerdy, nice guy and give him the confidence to approach you while being himself. This is the guy you would NEVER notice or give the time of day to, because he comes off so pathetic; and because he is so insecure and/or afraid of talking with the opposite sex, his attempts at communicating with women make him seem stupid or a jerk.
The closest analogy I can come up with to David DeAngelo is Hitch in the movie "Hitch." He didn't take Albert Brenneman and turn him into someone he wasn't, he just made Albert noticeable so that someone who was his match would see and respond.
enough of my ranting
DYD's stuff are really ROCKIN'
The most effective thing that I've done to double my dating is joining a fraternaty.
It teaches you everything you need to regain your inner masculinty, interacting with women, and even to be very classy.
It absolutely works. All of it. Woman despise his techniques because reading it, they feel like the book is trying to make woman look vulnerable or with less control of the relationship. The fact is, the techniques are right and David, or Eban, just wants the men reading his book to feel better about themselves. To help the men, to make them feel good about themselves all around and get the woman - and make david a lot of money. All genius if you ask me.
After reading ALL the comments here, I can only say this: if women out there who feel confident and secure about themselves feel disdain for DYD, then why should they feel threatened by men who have become confident and secure whether through David's book or some other method?
Or do women WANT to be stalked by insecure and frustrated men with low self-esteem who don't understand why they feel powerless?
Because, David's ad copy for his DVD's described me to a T.
Haven't bought his products yet, but been picking up many interesting tips via his newsletters.
Ladies, I KNOW you secretly LOVE the feeling of watching a guy go helpless and foggy when you flirt with him and leave him all flushed and embarrassed - it gives you a feeling of POWER, yes?
So, why can't we guys fight back with the same techniques? It's just a matter of leveling the playing field.
We guys don't want to be overcocky a**holes, we just want to be IN CONTROL of our emotions.
Bottom line, EVERYONE wins!!
David D's basic principles are very powerful and a lot of it is common sense that people sometimes don't realize and have to be reminded. His best advice is to treat the girl like she's one of your buddies where you can joke around with her and tease her. The powerful thing is that the reverse is true. Once the rapport is created, you just need the confidence to move towards the physical level. This really sums up what flirting is all about.
Well to be honest, I've had only a little success with david's techniques. But it's not that the stuff's wrong... It's mostly because I'm terrible at self confidence. The trick behind the stuff isn't finding a few tricks and traps for getting girls to notice you, but rather building that confidence so you can approach them.
The thing is, as david would say the real trick with women is working on your inner game rather then your outter. You see, when I actually meet women through friends I easily get them intrested in me because of what I've learned from the books. However I'm still hurting and recovering from the years of failure I've had. I'm a recovering wuse. (Insert tears here.)
Anyways, to make a long story short. Davids stuff isn't so much about seducing women as giving men the self confidence to aproach women confidently and express yourself without all the "errrs" "Ummss" and fake laughs that usually comes in that awkward first introduction. Heck... As I'm writting this post I'm chatting to a... intresting (cf) girl overhear... and Just got her number...
heck, what can I say, real time proof his stuff works.
You know the reason why chicks cant stand david d? Coz what he has to teach works and these chicks are falling for his students left right and center.
Don't know whats wrong with these women. I love David D for what he is, what he teaches and ultimately for the great value that he gives to his students, his people and his clients.
I personally think that David D is doing a favour for all girls out there. Because he is helping the NICE guys gets noticed. He is putting more loyal and genuine guys out there who want to find a girlfriend and be happy.
He isn't about producing sleeze bags. Although maybe some guys have mastered his techniques and are abusing his rules a bit. But hey there are always some exceptions to the rules.
Like heaps of people have commented on here. The main thing that David D teaches is self confidence. I believe that is the only thing that really holds back a guy in the dating world.
He teaches you the skills that your dad should have taught you. He is the coach that you never had.
I mean i cant speak from the perspective of him being my personal coach. But i have seen many of my friends (male) who have gone through the program and just in general come out at better, more interesting and more confident people.
If you went through a David D program and that is the only thing you got out of it .. a boost in self confidence,well i still think that he would have given you something highly invaluable.
Hot Alpha Female
At age 25 I was terrible with women and dating. My natural personality traits got me a couple girls for a few weeks, but they were definitely driven away by clingy/needy/invading their space. My best friend recommended David, and the two most important results were (1) understanding the basic dating dance (leaning back, eg early on one date a week, two calls a week) and (2) treating myself with more respect and forcing girls to treat me with that same respect. Six months later, I met the girl who is now my wife. I always had enough natural personality traits to succeed, I just needed a higher standard. After David's materials, I dropped girls that didn't measure up to my standards and I gave the girls more space so that there would be space for them to miss me and be attracted to me.
I would recommend forgetting about cocky and funny, and focusing on how you want to be treated by women and giving them lots of space. Drop flaky girls, bitchy girls, unaffectionate girls, etc. Don't settle! Your high standards will subconsciously be conveyed and girls will be attracted by that. Don't be a dick, but don't be a doormat. There are a million girls out there, don't get hung up on "the one" that got away, heck most won't want to date you, but there will be plenty who will, if you treat yourself right.
Hy Guys, I just want to share my experiencies using the DeAngelo methods, I just have 2 weeks using it, and believe me this works pretty well, I'm married and my wife used to dominate the entire relationship, due i did't know that acting wussy will let her control the situation, so I change my attitude never letting her controls me and magically she "get it" I mean she changes for marriage is going fine since then and I feel more in control of the situation also, I used the techniques at work due I all time use the kiss girls asses to anything they want so they never taken me seriously... now I change my attitude and the girls really don't know what to do it's like you push a button a put them in a emergency state so them are now trying all kinds of tricks to I put attention to them again, actually one really hot girl she came my place and start conversation by herself...believe me guys DeAngelo have the real secret.
DYD doesnt just change your dating life it also changes how people look at you. Shortly after watching all the dvd's (this took me like a week tho lol) but people started looking at me differently and i didnt understand. But with thinking for a second i noticed i was just being way more confident i was cracking jokes to people i didnt know. Yes it has backfired several times but you learn from failing not from succeding. These tapes were the best thing i have had in my life.
DYD is Cool it works :)
the thing about DYD or any advice for picking up women is that there is a right and wrong way to do it. If a guy is quiet and boring a whole night and then becomes desperate and randomly drops a "cocky funny" line out of nowhere then of course it won't work and of course any smart girl would see through it. There is an art to attracting women and delivery and congruence are often overlooked in situations such as these.
i read DYD when i first wanted to find out more. the stuff didn't work as well and i then thought it was a bunch of hogwash and marketing sham but it stayed in my harddisk because i was had spent the money for it.
Fast forward a year and a half later of experience and when i came across this DYD again- everything he says is true!!! sometimes it takes reflection, experience, failures and successes to understand what work and doesn't. when you guys feel it doesn't work you first have to go out and get some experience. talk to your natural friends, or pay for some lessons if need be because social skills are so important in life. DYD is a book that is for advance level i feel-the more experience the more you agree with him
You should thank DD. There is a lot of guys out there that are pissed they're secrets are out.
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