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Extremely Dangerous Knowledge by Neil Strauss


posted by Donovan at 10:22 PM

Sep 01 '05 Esquire Magazine

Esquire Magazine Article by Neil Strauss

I have a subscription to Esquire magazine, and was reading casually when I noticed an article "Extremely Dangerous Knowledge" by Neil Strauss. I was excited! It was like a friends article in a strange magazine. Anyways, if you want to read the article, you'll have to backorder, but here's the part that's free on access at
"WHEN IT COMES TO MEETING and attracting women, many men are resigned and complacent. We figure some guys were born with that particular power and other guys weren't. I wasn't. So, to compensate, I did something so embarrassing, I didn't even admit it to my friends: I embarked on a two-year course of rigorous study and training on the subject of women for my new book, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists . Guided by men who claimed to be the world's greatest seducers (men known by names such as Mystery, Toecutter, Sin, and Juggler), I plunged into an international under-ground seduction community and approached more than a thousand women around the world. In the end, I was transformed from student of seduction to reluctant guru. I offer you now something I never thought I'd be able to provide: a step-by-step primer on attracting women, compiled from the collective knowledge of the world's greatest ladies' men.

STEP 1 APPROACH This is the scariest step. You're going to fail before you succeed. And the failure will come because you broke at least one of these rules. Seven Rules for Approaching Women..."
Most of the material written about can be found in the Mystery Method's new e-Book.

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posted by Donovan at 10:22 PM Dating Advice for Men


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