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Can you tell if a woman is attracted to you?


posted by Donovan at 5:53 PM

dating, meeting women, game, attraction, attracted, attracting, sex
That is the question I first wanted to know when I was being introduced to women during my teens. Many people gave me hints like, "If she curls her fingers through her hair" or "If she winks at you, thats a great sign that she could possibly like you."
We'll I have some news that I've recently discovered thanks to some help.... IF SHE'S TALKING TO YOU, SHE LIKES YOU.
Sounds bold doesn't it?
We'll its true. I have found when a woman wants to hang around you, or talks to you there's a better than 70% chance that she likes you enough to go out, kiss, etc.
When you get your inner game in the right place, you start to think most women like you. This in it's self creates an attractive effect, in that the reason she likes you, is because you think she likes you. Very strange to realize... but it works. "Believing is seeing!"
Try saying to yourself that "Women like me", "Women love to be around me" whenever you have a doubt entering your mind.
I can tell within minutes now if a woman likes me. I never noticed the subtlities of women's body language, until I read the Double Your Dating e-Book. Once I did that, it all came together for me, and I've met a girl that's amazing. (I believe the e-Book is only like $19, its brilliant, and packed with useful info for getting better with women and becoming a "natural")
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posted by Donovan at 5:53 PM Dating Advice for Men


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