Neil Strauss On ABC Primetime Live! (Video)
posted by Donovan at 10:51 AMI've uploaded the Neil Strauss feature on ABC Primetime Live. It took a while but I've done it! Enjoy it. It features a Mystery Method bootcamp, the Cliff List Pick Up Artist Convention, and other cool stuff.

posted by Donovan at 10:51 AM Dating Advice for Men

Good looking guy?
LMAO, man he's geeky and ugly (ok not that ugly)
Notice how much he leans in when he delivers his opener. Bad, bad, bad.
And did he open with a neg? Man, negs are sooooooo 2005.
Yep. It's me, APEX :)
Good Video..
I heard about it a little while back.. I had been curious about the old "Strauss"... damn he transformed!
And thanks for posting all these videos, unfortunately or should I say fortunately theres not much feature of "The Game" on british television!
Negs only work on a certain type of girl... if you are looking for a more down to earth girl they can be seen as a turn off.
well no offense intended on my part - but Mystery did NOT sound like what I had in mind AT ALL.
he sounds like a girl.
with a high-pitched voice he brings out all his canned lines that should have no effect whatsoever yet does.
i guess it just goes to show tht a quick fix works - but ultimately actually working on becoming rich and physically strong is the better method.
still - to neil and mystery for being able to do what they did despite all their flaws - i salute you both.
Mystery's bisexual...
haha. Good to know.
The nerd in the ABC clip who just walks up to women and says, "Do you floss before or after?" and thinks that's game is a complete scrub. Neil must see that and cringe. Face it, the delivery is at least 70% of the game.
My game was great before the book, better after the book, better still now because I continue to come up with original shit and don't just stand there like a robot saying shit that went out of style 18 months ago. Use the same principles but come up with your own original game. It's all about standing out in a crowd -- not doing what every other dumb ass is trying to do.
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