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Why Orgasms Matter!


posted by Donovan at 1:09 PM

Neil Strauss (Style) was down at the Mystery Method convention in Las Vegas a week or so ago, and had a question from an audience member.

His question was: "I can't seem to get a steady girlfriend, whats the problem?"

Neil question: "Is she having regular orgasms?"

The importance of this is profound.

Women will go elsewhere if their not receiving pleasure from you. If you don't know how... you need to learn. Much like the game of seduction / attraction, we all started from scratch in many cases.

Neil theorized that the major reason why women leave men, is that they aren't being sexually statisfied and that contributes to a total lack of attraction.

From ABC News recently:
"A recent study concluded that almost half the adult women in America are not happy with their sex lives and they don't know why. Many are too embarrassed to talk about it with their partners, or to get help.

But more and more women are finally beginning to admit to an awful feeling they've avoided discussing. Sex isn't enjoyable for them."

Women need orgasms!!


If you need help in this area, a brand new manual "Secrets of Orgasms" just got released that could give you the help you need. Get that woman addicted to you!

Like Mystery says: "One funny joke from a comedian and IT'S funny, three or more and HE's funny." Same with sex.

Get pleasure from giving pleasure!


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posted by Donovan at 1:09 PM Dating Advice for Men


Blogger viva las vegas said...

from: *female*- yes the "OTHER"
I went on the web site (Tampa/Orlando guys of the straussian persuasion) and created a ruckus. It seems that suggesting that what they have always called "done deal" is really not out of the starting gate. That there is a darker side of the female passion begging to be touched. Not many men are even remotely attempting this, thus the "not happy with sex lives and DON'T KNOW WHY". Don't know why is because there are too many partners out there seeing goals and forgetting the ride. I'm not talking basic "not enough foreplay" here, I'm talking something more radical, and yet not quite the "gimp outfit". For me it's mental. It's power struggle. It's playing games with the rules. I can't claim to speak for all women, just myself. I've had my experiences, and usually kept a diary which included descriptions, inspiration, prose, fantasies- I have ruminated on each experience for pages, or for a paragraph. And, I'm older than most of them- by probably 15 years. Experience both tempers and arouses. I guess that when you realize that there isn't as much time as when you were in your 20's (older =professional, works more hours, has house, reads, etc, as opposed to youth=bar tab) quality becomes a bigger factor in the success of a "mission".

Anyway. Kudos to you for bringing up the subject.
Oh, yes, about the thing- I was willing to discuss, very openly, and to learn, too. I mean, women CAN AND DO seduce men. Sometimes the guys we want are the ones who DON'T approach us, and we want to do something about that. Life's too short to wait around. make sense?

Anyway. Kudos to you for bringing up the subject.

I'm gonna get that book.
guys- are YOU?

2:51 PM, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting a woman into bed is the hard part (for me anyways... hence I'm reading 'attraction blogs'). Giving women orgasms however is easy. I guess I'm a 'natural' in that department.

In fact, I think it's easy enough that there's no excuse why a guy can't bring a girl to the edge, keep her there and then make her beg to be pushed over. It takes some practice but it's no major feat!

4:33 AM, July 13, 2006  

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