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Getting The Phone Number, Mystery's View


posted by Donovan at 7:57 PM

At Mystery's kick ass seminar down in Vegas this weekend, my buddy asked the main man about getting women's phone numbers at the mall.

He asked for how long should rapport be being established before he gets the phone number to time bridge.

Mystery said that it's probably better not to time bridge but bounce. (Move to another location) Like, "I want some ice cream, come with and get some with me down here..."

Although if you MUST time bridge, then Mystery recommended a minimum 25 minutes, preferably 40 minutes. Mystery elaborated and told us that in his personal experiences, this has been the best situation no matter the woman.

This means that you would be in FIRM A3 before getting a number or email for it not to flake out.

Looking back, I've seen this to be totally true in my dating life. Another point for Mystery. The sick genius.

I was also looking on the Bedroom Blogger, a Cosmopolitan published blog about a woman in the real world, apparently...

"Hey John," I asked, since he'd been so quick to offer his advice on the
Jane situation. "Why would a guy hit on a girl, ask her for her number and then
not call?"

I know, I know. I'm should let go of the Dr. McDreamy thing.

"He probably has a girlfriend," he said. "He thought you were hot and
wanted to hang out with you and flirt. He probably just asked for your number
because it would have seemed weird if he didn't. Even though he wasn't planning
on calling."

Hmmm. John-With-The-Baseball-Hat is a wealth of useful guy information.
On the way out, Jenna and I discussed him.

"You know," she said. "I don't want to terrorize anyone but

"Me neither."

"I do believe we have ourselves a cooking class boyfriend."

"And maybe a boyfriend for Jane."

Ok, I don't know about you blokes but if I ever get a phone number from a woman, I always call her.

Otherwise, I wouldn't get it. There has to be a better reason other than, I've got a girlfriend. Good advice dickhead, and what a effing eye opener to woman... please. I'm never reading that blog again, well... maybe to rag on it.
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posted by Donovan at 7:57 PM Dating Advice for Men


Blogger The Asian Playboy said...

I have to admit, sometimes I get waaaay too busy.

I wrote a post about the Importance of Keeping Rotations for Phone Game.

Yeah, in any one weekend I could get half a dozen plus numbers, but then when Monday rolls around, not only do I have to call the new girls, but I'm still keeping track, touching base, and scheduling things with my OTHER girls.

Trust me, "Phone Day" can be hectic and I don't even LIKE talking on the phone.

1:31 AM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger Donovan said...

Good point, but if the girl is above average, almost everytime I'd say.

Maybe you're game is far ahead of mine Playboy!

9:26 AM, March 03, 2006  

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