Listening to Her Kiss To Explode Attraction
posted by Donovan at 12:52 PMWhen you go in for the kiss, cup her face in both of your hands so that your palms are gently cradling her jaw line and your thumbs are just in front of cheek bones.
(You can also place your hands further back with your thumbs just in front of her ears if that's more comfortable for you.)
This allows you to contour her face and guide it where you want her to go.
This helps to avoid the possibility of kissing her too hard and too fast, which is akin to smacking her in the teeth.
C'mon, you know we have all done it. =D
In our rush to get the kiss we move too fast, or are unsure of our distance, timing and pressure and suddenly --- BANG!
Your loving lip lock turns into a less than exciting clash of the molars!
Now when you deliberately move her face in toward yours, I want you to look her in the eyes and slowly close your eyes as you gently bring her face to yours. I want you to touch her lips to yours as lightly as you can and I want you to sense and pay attention to several things...
This takes practice to get good at but once you do... She's yours!
Here's what you PAY ATTENTION to during the kiss:
--How much pressure is she using to kiss you?
--Is she pressing her lips hard against yours, soft?
--What kind of force is she exerting with her lips?
Also, notice the configuration of her lips for the kiss:
--Is she a fish kisser?
--Does she open her mouth very wide?
--Does she keep her lips close together?
--Pay attention to what she is doing to you!
Kiss her gently and allow yourself to feel how she is kissing you.
This is key! Don't focus on kissing her! Focus on how she is kissing you! (Ladies,
the same goes for you)
This is a concept I learned from "Tai Chi Push Hands" called "listening." Its the
ability to sense and interpret subtle changes in pressure and energy through your sense of touch -- in this case via your lips.
Here is where "listening" meets "projection" to create her perfect kiss! Here's how it works!
Remember, she already has an internal checklist of what a kiss is supposed to feel like for her. By paying attention to the way she kisses you then kissing her back exactly the same way, you validate her model how things work, demonstrate you are just like her and you perfectly fire off all the signals that tell her mind body and emotions its okay to go to the next level.
In hypnosis we would call this "pacing and leading."
Now Lets Sweeten the Deal a bit...
Once you have matched her particular style of kissing and you're effectively doing
it back to her the same way, you can start to direct her a bit more.
The act of kissing her the way she kisses you dramatically deepens the sense of
"connection" and "rapport" she is going to have with you. Continue to pay attention
to her responses. Think in terms of simply wanting to give her pleasure and paying
attention to her responses.
Once you have matched her kissing style you now have a couple of choices:
You can continue to kiss the way she does...
You can slowly begin to alter your method of kissing and see if she responds by
following you.
When she follows you by changing her way of kissing you now have more freedom to
I go far more in-depth about kissing and creating massive sexual pleasure in your
partner inside my home study course "Secret Orgasm Tips."
You won't find this information in any book store. Hell, you won't even find it
anywhere else on the INTERNET!
Because this information is just too good, and stems from my 15 years of experimentation and refinement of these techniques.
The simple fact of the matter is that if you want to be a great lover and experience true sexual ecstasy with your partner, you need to pick this home study course up today.
You can download it and be learning all my dirty little tricks and secrets in just a
few minutes by clicking below:
Secret Orgasm Tips
But hurry. I don't know how much longer I'll keep this information available. It's
just too good!
The Master

posted by Donovan at 12:52 PM Dating Advice for Men

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