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If A Woman Talks About Other Men


posted by Donovan at 11:03 AM

The model I went out with recently commented about how she had a date with a guy next Friday and therefore couldn't "hang out".

I think this is awesome!

If a woman mentions something about other men, most guys think shes trying to blow you off. However, I intepret it as her trying to qualify herself to you, because you obviously see other women, and she doesn't want to feel as if she isn't worth you're attention. A DHV for her!

There are alot of disagreements about this from AFCs, and other (less successful) within the community.

As David DeAngelo says, "tests" as this one is, are always usually a great IOI (Indicator of Interest), that can only reaffirm her attachment to you further.

A test?

Yes, a test. Because you could say, "Oh you're going on a date..., oh ok. Great. Cool" (AWKWARD!)


"Oh thats awesome, I'm glad you're getting attention from men these days!" "Why don't you cancel it with him, so you could have the possiblity of hanging out with me instead?" (She rarely will cancel) Just say "Joking, I already have plans, we can hangout next week when we both have some time."

Any other lines we could use? Comment.



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posted by Donovan at 11:03 AM Dating Advice for Men


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