Neil Strauss on The View (video)
posted by Donovan at 12:43 PMI came across a video with Neil Strauss, author of "The Game", being interviewed and sharing his thoughts on techniques on The View. These women love his responses and are amazed by his techniques.
Labels: neil strauss, video
posted by Donovan at 12:43 PM Dating Advice for Men
damn they're so lost and so impatient
not the hugest style fan but lisa's very attractive, he did pull.
I agree theyre pretty impatiend, but hey they usually are. the chicks like to gossip and stuff. im a big style fan but all these videos are kinda concerning me. do you think the whole pua society is getting a bit revealed? i mean jimmy kimmel was sorta big...whatever, but THE VIEW is HUGE because it is telling all the GIRLS about the game. hopefully young girls dont watch it much.
For a woman it's an I''ll see and i'll believe it thing, or rather more acutately, it's a i'll experience it, surcome to and then denie it thing.
Obviousely the woman were impatient, they were protecting the one thing that ensures a womans self respect or the respect of others.
And that one thing is a womans pride.
But what they don't know is that really,all they want is to be fucked in the ass whilst loosing control indefinitely.
What are you guys so worried about. This is the United States of America. Even if every girl (or for that matter, person) saw this, they would eventually forget about it. We have short memory spans. Give it 6 months-the most 1 year- and it will be hunting season once again. -The prophet has spoken.
As "the game" gets more popular and "exposed", the trick will simply become more of making yourself the real deal! A true man worth knowing.
This isn't bad, it's good, it just means you have to work on making yourself a more solid, smart, interesting, fun, and attractive person. Now, is that so hard? LoL.
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